Finished with the last amphora, he turned back, grinning. “Even if meant being called Coutzes the Catamite for the rest of my life.”

Belisarius chuckled, along with his officers. “All right,” he said. “I don’t care about that. I don’t expect my soldiers to be saints and monks. By tomorrow, we’ll have regular camp followers. As long as the women are treated decently enough, and the men are kept from liquor, I’ll be satisfied. We’ll take the women with us, when we leave. Those who want, we’ll try to reunite with their families.”

“Most of them don’t have any families left,” grated Bouzes.

“Except us,” added Maurice. The chiliarch’s gray eyes were as grim as death. He hooked a thumb toward the window. Now that the sounds of breaking amphorae had ended, the screams could be heard again.

“I’m telling you, General—relax. That isn’t the sound of a city being sacked by troops raging out of control, raping, drinking and burning. That’s just the sound of an executioner doing his duty.”

After a moment, Belisarius nodded. He decided Maurice was right. The focused fury of an army, he could control.

He slapped his hands together. The sharp sound echoed in the room, snapping his officers alert.

“Let’s get to the rest, then.” He turned to Vasudeva. “Where does it stand with the ships?”

Vasudeva stroked his topknot. The pleasure he so obviously took in the act almost made Belisarius laugh. “The last word I got from Cyril—maybe half an hour ago—was that all of the cargo ships had been seized. Except one, which managed to pull free from the docks before the Greeks could get to it. Most of the galleys, of course, escaped also.”

The Kushan shrugged. “No way to stop them, before they reached the screen of galleys in the outer harbor. Not without firing rockets or flame arrows. So Cyril let it be. He says we’ve got more ships than we need, anyway, and he didn’t want to risk an explosion or a drifting fireship.”

“God, no!” exclaimed Bouzes. The young officer shuddered slightly. Charax was a city made of stone and brick. It would not burn easily, if at all. But it was also, for all practical purposes, a gigantic powderkeg. The port had been the arsenal for Malwa’s intended conquest of Persia.

“The Greeks hadn’t searched the ships yet,” continued Vasudeva. “Although I imagine by now they’ve probably—” He broke off, hearing footsteps. Then, waving his hand: “But let’s let him tell us.”

Cyril was marching through the door. As soon as he entered, his eyes fell on the pile of corpses in the corner.

“Got off too easy, the swine,” he muttered. Turning to Belisarius, he said: “We’ve started the search. Everything looks good. Lucky for us, none of the priests were stationed aboard any of the craft.”

That had always been Belisarius’ deepest fear. Some of the huge ships moored at the dock had been loaded with gunpowder. A fanatic priest aboard one of them, if certain of capture, would have ignited its cargo. The explosion might well have destroyed the harbor, along with the Roman escape route.

“Nobody else?” he asked.

Cyril smiled. “The only ones aboard were sailors. After we stormed a few of the ships, the rest negotiated surrender. Once we were sure all of them were on the docks, and the ships were secured—”

His smile was as grim as Maurice’s eyes. “We gave them new terms of surrender. They weren’t happy about it, but—” He shrugged. “Their protests were short-lived.”

Another laugh swept the room. Even Belisarius joined in. There would be no mercy for Malwa from anyone, that night. A dog, barking in Hindi, would have been slaughtered.

Belisarius turned to Bouzes. Without being prompted, the young Thracian officer moved back to the window and began pointing to the walls beyond. The gesture was a bit futile. It was still long before sunrise. The darkness was unbroken except by slowly moving Roman squads, holding torches aloft in their search for Malwa hideaways.

“All of the siege guns have been seized and manned. I talked to Felix just twenty minutes ago.” He gave Cyril a half-apologetic glance over his shoulder. “Unlike the Greeks, who have plenty of seamen, Gregory doesn’t have anyone who’s fired guns that size. So he kept maybe two dozen Malwa gunners alive. Felix says they’re babbling everything they know, faster than we can ask.”

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Categories: David Drake