Gemmell, David – Drenai 06 – The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend

‘There is no beast, Druss. Only me. Why did you change your mind about killing me?’

‘You? I would never hurt you! Sweet heaven, how could you think it?’

‘You looked at me with hate and then you ran at me with your axe.’

‘Oh, Rowena! I saw only a demon. I was bewitched! Forgive me!’ Stepping in close he tried to put his arms around her, but she moved back from him.

‘I loved Michanek,’ she said.

He sighed and nodded. 7 know. He was a good man – perhaps a great one. I was with him at the end. He asked me. . . urged me to look after you. He didn’t need to ask that of me. You are everything to me, you always were. Without you there was no light in my life. And I’ve waited so long for this moment. Come back with me, Rowena. Live!’

‘I was looking for him,’ she said, tears in her eyes, ‘but I couldn’t find him.’

‘He’s gone where you cannot follow,’ said Druss. ‘Come home.’

‘l am both a wife and widow. Where is my home, Druss? Where?’

Her head drooped and bright tears fell to her cheeks. Druss took her in his arms, drawing her in to him. ‘Wherever you choose to make your home,’ he whispered,’I will build it for you. But it should be where the sun shines, and where you can hear the birdsong, smell the flowers. This place is not for you – nor would Michanek want you here. I love you, Rowena. But if you want to live without me I will bear it. Just so long as you live. Come back with me. We’ll talk again in the light.’

‘I don’t want to stay here,’ she said, clinging to him. ‘But I miss him so.’

The words tore at Druss, but he held her close and kissed her hair. ‘Let’s go home,’ he said. ‘Take my hand.’


Druss opened his eyes and drew in a great gulp of air. Beside him Rowena slept. He felt a moment of panic, but then a voice spoke. ‘She is alive.’ Druss sat up, and saw the Old Woman sitting in a chair by the bedside.

‘You want the axe? Take it!’

She chuckled, the sound dry and cold. ‘Your gratitude is overwhelming, axeman. But no, I do not need Snaga. You exorcised the demon from the weapon and he is gone. But I shall find him. You did well, boy. All that hatred and lust for death – yet you overcame it. What a complex creature is Man.’

‘Where are the others?’ asked Druss.

Taking up her staff, she eased herself to her feet. ‘Your friends are sleeping. They were exhausted and it took little effort to send them deep into dreams. Good luck to you, Druss. I wish you and your lady well. Take her back to the Drenai mountains, enjoy her company while you can. Her heart is weak, and she will never see the white hair of a human winter. But you will, Druss.’

She sniffed and stretched, her bones creaking. ‘What did you want with the demon?’ asked Druss as she made her way to the door.

She turned in the doorway. ‘Gorben is having a sword made – a great sword. He will pay me to make it an enchanted weapon. And I shall, Druss. I shall.’

And then she was gone.

Rowena stirred and woke.

Sunlight broke through the clouds and bathed the room.

BOOK FOUR: Druss the Legend


Druss took Rowena back to the lands-of the Drenai, and, with the gold presented to him by a grateful Gorben, bought a farm in the high mountains. For two years he lived quietly, struggling to be a loving husband and a man of peace. Sieban travelled the land, performing his songs and tales before princes and courtiers, and the legend of Druss spread across the continent.

At the invitation of the King of Gothir Druss travelled north, and fought in the Second Campaign against the Nadir, earning the title Deathwalker*. Sieban joined him and together they travelled through many lands.

*From the Second Chronicles of Druss the Legend.

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Categories: David Gemmell