Gemmell, David – Lion of Macedon 01

He looked younger, a man in his twenties. Mothac could not believe what he was seeing. One moment his master and his friend was dying, the next he looked stronger than he had been for two decades.

Lifting Parmenion’s wrist, he felt for the pulse. It was beating strongly, rhythmically.

At that moment a tremendous cheer went up from the soldiers ringing the palace. Louder and louder it came.

Parmenion stirred and awoke. ‘By all the gods, I don’t believe it!’ Mothac shouted.

Parmenion sat up, embracing his friend, feeling Mothac’s tears wet against his face. ‘I am back. And I am well. What is the reason for the cheering?’

‘The King’s son is born,’ said Mothac.

Parmenion threw back the sheet covering his body and walked to the window. Thousands of soldiers had surrounded the palace, chanting the name of the heir to the throne.

‘Alexander! Alexander! Alexander!’


ANDRONICOS, M., Sarissa (Bulletin de Correspondence

Hellenique 94).

ANDERSON, J. K. Xenophon (Duckworth 1974). ARISTOTLE, Ethics (Penguin .Classics, trans. J. A. K.

Thomson, introd. Jonathan Barnes, rev. ed. 1976). ADRIAN, Campaigns of Alexander (Penguin Classics, trans.

Aubrey de Selincourt, rev. J. R. Hamilton 1971). AUSTIN, M. M. VIDAL-NAQUET, P., Economic and Social

History of Ancient Greece (Batsford 1977). BENGTSON,H., The Greeks and the Persians (Weidenfeld 1968). CASSIN-SCOTT, The Greek and Persian Wars (Osprey 1977). CAWKWELL, GEORGE, Philip ofMacedon (Faber 1978). COOK, J. M., The Persian Empire (Dent 1983). DIODORUS SICULUS, Books 15-17 (Loeb). ELLIS, J. R., Philip II and Macedonian Imperialism (Thames and

Hudson 1976). FITZHARDINGE, L. F., The Spartans (Thames and Hudson


FLACELIERE, R., Daily Life in Greece (Macmillan 1966). FORREST, W. G., A History of Sparta (Duckworth 1980). HAMMOND, N. G. L. GRIFFITHS, G. T., History of

Macedonia Vol. II (OUP). HATZOPOULOS, M. B. LOUKOPOULOS, L. D., Philip of

Macedon (Heinemann 1981).

LANE FOX, ROBIN, Alexander the Great (Omega 1973). ——–, The Search for Alexander (Allen Lane 1980).

KEEGAN, JOHN, The Mask of Command (Cape 1987). KERENYI, C, The Gods of the Greeks (Thames and Hudson


LAZENBY, J., The Spartan Army (Aris and Philips). MAY, C., The Horse Care Manual (Stanley Paul 1987). PAUSANIAS, Guide to Greece Vol. I (Penguin Classics, trans.

with introd. by Peter Levi 1971). ——–, Guide to Greece Vol. II (Penguin Classics, trans, with

introd. by Peter Levi 1971).

PLUTARCH, Lives (Routledge, trans. J. and W. Langhorne). RENAULT, MARY, The Nature of Alexander (Penguin, 1975). RUTTER, N. K., Greek Coinage (Shire Archaeology 1983). SEKUNDA, NICK, The Army of Alexander the Great (Osprey


STARR, CHESTER G., The Ancient Greeks (OUP 1971). SYMONS, DAVID J., Costume of Ancient Greece (Batsford 1987). WYCHERLEY, R. E., How the Greeks Built Cities (Macmillan


XENOPHON, A History of My Times (Penguin Classics). ——–, The Persian Expeditions (Penguin Classics).

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Categories: David Gemmell