Gemmell, David – Morningstar

Silently she left the cabin and walked across the clearing towards the night-dark forest.

She travelled for hours, long past the dawn, arriving in mid-afternoon at the remains of their camp-fire. Wearily she sat by the ashes, her thoughts once more on the night by the stream.

Her limbs felt heavy, drained of energy and she lay back on the soft ground with her head pillowed on her arm. Almost at once she fell asleep and dreamt she was floating beneath the stars in a jet-black sky. There was comfort in the dream, freedom from care and fear, and she soared through the night unfettered.

Below her lay Ziraccu, dark and gloomy, a black crown upon a hill. She flew closer, seeing the Vampyre mob beating upon the gates of the palace. Such was the power of the evil emanating from

the scene that it pushed her back, as if she had been touched by Hellfire. She fled the city and found herself hovering above a hillside where a grey, hooded figure was kneeling with head bowed.

Movement caught her eye. A man was creeping towards the grey-cloaked Megan, and in his hand was a dark-bladed knife.

‘Megan!’ screamed Astiana.

The hooded head came up – but the man sprang forward to bury his knife into her back. Megan fell, and twisted, her hand pointing up at the assassin. Light blazed from her fingers, enveloping him.

And his screams were terrible to hear.

His flesh bubbled and burned, fire blazing from his eyes. The body collapsed, searing flames bursting through his clothes. Within seconds there was nothing on the hillside save a severed foot and half a hand.

Megan struggled to her knees, her bony fingers trying to reach the knife at her back.

Astiana’s spirit sped back to her sleeping body, and her eyes opened. Rolling to her feet, she ran for the hillside.

Megan had fallen once more and was lying face-down on the grass. Astiana gently turned her, cradling the old woman’s head. ‘Megan! Megan!’I … am … alive,’ whispered Megan.

A dark moon shadow fell across them. Astiana glanced up – and her blood froze.

Silhouetted against the moonlight was a tall, wide-shouldered man with a face as pale as ivory and eyes the colour of blood. Upon his long white hair sat a thin crown of silver, inset with pale gems.

‘Carleth!’ hissed Megan, struggling to rise. The man smiled and the elongated canines gleamed in the moonlight. Astiana could not move – even when he bent and reached for her, his fingers curling into the folds of her habit. Slowly he drew her to her feet.

‘I will give you immortality,’ he said, his voice low and seductive. ‘And you will serve me until the world ends.’Let her go, demon!’Carleth’s head turned slowly and Astiana saw Piercollo stand­ing close by. The giant was unarmed and Carleth gave a soft laugh. ‘You wish to stop me, human? Come, then. Come to Carleth.’No.!’ shouted Astiana. ‘Run!’

The Vampyre King hurled her aside and advanced on Piercollo.

‘My, but you are a strong fellow,’ said Carleth. ‘I can see that you have great power in those limbs. But you have a lesson to learn. This is real strength!’ With stunning speed he launched himself at the Tuscanian, his fist cracking against the giant’s chin. Piercollo was lifted from his feet and sent spinning to the grass.

‘Astiana!’ called Megan weakly.

Astiana, still half-stunned, crawled to her. Megan drew her dagger from the sheath at her side and pushed it into Astiana’s hand. The blade was shining brightly. ‘Kill it!’ Megan ordered.

Piercollo rolled to his knees, then staggered upright. Once more the Vampyre attacked, but this time Piercollo’s huge hands closed upon its throat, squeezing tight.

‘I do not need to breathe,’ said Carleth, untroubled by the pressure. His arms lashed up and out, breaking the giant’s grip with ease. Piercollo launched a fist, but Carleth swayed aside and laughed aloud. ‘How pitiful you are.’ He struck Piercollo in the face, and Astiana heard the breaking of bone.

Rising to her feet she ran behind the Vampyre King, plunging the enchanted blade deep into his back. Carleth screamed, and swung towards her. Piercollo leapt forward, his right arm snaking round Carleth’s neck and his left hand pushing down on the creature’s shoulder. The giant’s attack forced Carleth to his knees. then with a titanic heave Piercollo threw his weight back, while pushing forward and down with his left arm. Carleth’s neck stretched and snapped, the skin of the throat ripping and exposing the bone. Still the Vampyre struggled and Piercollo was almost thrown clear. But with one more awesome effort he ripped the head from the shoulders.

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Categories: David Gemmell