Genesis Echo (Deathlands 25) by James Axler

Pressed close together, Ryan felt his body reacting again to Krysty. He slipped his hand between them, finding her warm and ready for him, her thighs parting to grant him access.

“From behind this time,” she breathed.

She rolled over onto her belly, sighing as Ryan slid above her, his erection thrusting. Reaching down she guided him in, breathing out as he filled her. She brought up her knees into more of a crouching position, feeling the hard walls of his stomach against the curve of her buttocks.

They began to move slowly together, with perfect rhythm. Ryan had one arm around Krysry’s waist, under her belly, stroking her, his other arm gripping across her shoulders, keeping himself firmly in place.

“Not yet,” she panted. “Soon, but not yet.”

Faster, together. Once Ryan slipped out with the force of his lovemaking, but slid straight back on the next stroke, harder and deeper.

Krysty’s long sentient hair was flowing down across her smooth back, seeming to move with her, caressing Ryan’s chest, sparkling like fiery diamonds in the swelling light of the true dawning.

Ryan felt her begin the tidal wave of her orgasm, the powerful internal muscles contracting and squeezing him with a sensation so exquisite that it bordered on pain, sucking him in and on.

“Yeah, lover” she whispered softly, warning him of her readiness, her head thrown back, pushing her hips into him. “Now”

THEY LAY HOLDING HANDS, side by side, staring at the milky sky, aware of the dawn beginning to filter into the canyon around them. But it was still close to full dark, and they could only just make out the shifting shapes of the horses, all of whom had begun to stamp and whicker uneasily.

“What’s up with them?” Ryan asked quietly. “Think it’s that bobcat Dean mentioned?”

They both heard the sharp sound, from somewhere farther back down the trail, of one stone shifting against another. “Someone’s coming up from the valley,” Krysty whispered. “About a hundred paces off. Around the last bend, by the old dam.”

Ryan swung out from under the blankets, pulling up his pants, the SIG-Sauer cocked and ready. He crouched flat against the condensation-slick flank of the land wag and stared into the misty morning.

A little way off, J.B.’s head appeared from his bedroll, as he quickly adjusted his glasses. “What?” he said, just loud enough for Ryan to hear him.

“Someone or something down the trail.” He jerked with the muzzle of the automatic to point where he meant.

Jak was awake, like a ghost in the gloom, holding his satin-finish Colt Python.

Beyond him was the grizzled demon of the Trader, his Armalite flourished like a magician’s wand, waiting patiently to see what was going down.

Though Doc was normally a solid sleeper, the flutter of movement around the camp jerked him half awake. He kicked off the blankets, revealing the half-naked figure of Sukie Smith.

“By the What passes here?” Doc said in a loud booming voice that echoed around the hills.

“Fuck,” Trader cursed, in an angry, flat voice.

“Get down and keep quiet, Doc,” Ryan whispered urgently. “Somethings out there.”

Whatever it was had been provoked into action by the appearance of Doc. There was a strange, unearthly cry from the half-light, and the noise of stones rattling under charging feet.

Doc had stooped and drawn his Le Mat and stood his ground, squinting down the trail, trying to make out what creature was threatening him. He began to laugh.

Chapter Four

From where he was standing, Doc could see farther around the bend in the trail than any of the others, and he saw the nature of their attacker before anyone else.

“Judas!” he called, doubled over with laughter, almost dropping his heavy revolver. “Upon my soul, but it is only proud, faithful Judas.”

The mule came into sight, silhouetted against the brightening sunrise, galloping toward the camp at an uneasy trot, its long ears pricked.

By now everyone was awake, Sukie snatching at the blanket to cover her nakedness, Dean rubbing sleep from his eyes, Abe emerging from his cocoon of bedding. Everyone started to join Doc’s amusement.

“Come here, you Deathlands Caliban,” Doc called, the Le Mat down at his side.

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Categories: James Axler