God The Invisible King by Herbert George Wells

became increasingly important to him towards the end of his life.

And it is the most releasing idea in the system.

Only in the most general terms can I trace the other origins of

these present views. I do not think modern religion owes much to

what is called Deism or Theism. The rather abstract and futile

Deism of the eighteenth century, of “votre Etre supreme” who bored

the friends of Robespierre, was a sterile thing, it has little

relation to these modern developments, it conceived of God as an

infinite Being of no particular character whereas God is a finite

being of a very especial character. On the other hand men and women

who have set themselves, with unavoidable theological

preconceptions, it is true, to speculate upon the actual teachings

and quality of Christ, have produced interpretations that have

interwoven insensibly with thoughts more apparently new. There is a

curious modernity about very many of Christ’s recorded sayings.

Revived religion has also, no doubt, been the receiver of many

religious bankruptcies, of Positivism for example, which failed

through its bleak abstraction and an unspiritual texture. Religion,

thus restated, must, I think, presently incorporate great sections

of thought that are still attached to formal Christianity. The time

is at hand when many of the organised Christian churches will be

forced to define their positions, either in terms that will identify

them with this renascence, or that will lead to the release of their

more liberal adherents. Its probable obligations to Eastern thought

are less readily estimated by a European writer.

Modern religion has no revelation and no founder; it is the

privilege and possession of no coterie of disciples or exponents; it

is appearing simultaneously round and about the world exactly as a

crystallising substance appears here and there in a super-saturated

solution. It is a process of truth, guided by the divinity in men.

It needs no other guidance, and no protection. It needs nothing but

freedom, free speech, and honest statement. Out of the most mixed

and impure solutions a growing crystal is infallibly able to select

its substance. The diamond arises bright, definite, and pure out of

a dark matrix of structureless confusion.

This metaphor of crystallisation is perhaps the best symbol of the

advent and growth of the new understanding. It has no church, no

authorities, no teachers, no orthodoxy. It does not even thrust and

struggle among the other things; simply it grows clear. There will

be no putting an end to it. It arrives inevitably, and it will

continue to separate itself out from confusing ideas. It becomes,

as it were the Koh-i-noor; it is a Mountain of Light, growing and

increasing. It is an all-pervading lucidity, a brightness and

clearness. It has no head to smite, no body you can destroy; it

overleaps all barriers; it breaks out in despite of every enclosure.

It will compel all things to orient themselves to it.

It comes as the dawn comes, through whatever clouds and mists may be

here or whatever smoke and curtains may be there. It comes as the

day comes to the ships that put to sea.

It is the Kingdom of God at hand.

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