Gods Concubine by Sara Douglass

The Sidlesaghe laughed, joyous, and Caela realised that he must spend much of his

existence laughing. ―We sing to each other, my love. Under the starlight. We hum.”

―Oh,‖ she said, not quite able to imagine this.

The Sidlesaghe grinned. ―Now, are you ready?‖

She nodded, but the Sidlesaghe saw that her knuckles had whitened where her hands

clutched at the cloak.

―We will survive this night, at least,‖ he said, ―if you remember what I said about not

meeting Brutus‘ eyes.‖

Again Caela nodded, and so the Sidlesaghe took one of her hands, and he led her about St

Paul‘s, first sunwise, then counter-sunwise. He walked deliberately but briskly, keeping Caela

close by his side so that they walked almost as one.

Once they had completed the counter-sunwise circuit of the boundary of St Paul‘s, the

Sidlesaghe led her north along a narrow street, then after a few minutes executed a sharp turn to

the east, crossing through a vegetable garden.

―What…‖ Caela began to ask, then apparently realised the answer herself.

―We are traversing the Labyrinth,‖ she said.

―Aye. Not quite the same Labyrinth that Brutus caused to be built atop Og‘s Hill, but one

very similar if a little more convoluted. He hid each band within its own Labyrinth—or, rather,

guarded it by its own labyrinthine enchantment—so that only one skilled in the ways of the

Labyrinth could find them again.‖ He paused. ―Or one whom the Labyrinth allowed to enter.‖

―The Game will not allow Asterion to traverse the labyrinthine ways to the bands?‖

―No. There are six labyrinthine enchantments for each of the six golden bands of Troy,

and Asterion does not know them. He cannot traverse them.‖

―Without either Brutus—William—or you, or another of your kind.‖

―Or you,‖ the Sidlesaghe said, noting, but not laughing at, the sudden frown on Caela‘s

face. ―And he shall not have me, nor as many of the bands as we can hide from William. Come,

enough chatter. The night fades, and we have much work to do before morning.‖

They continued to walk through London, their pace picking up further speed the greater

distance they travelled through the labyrinthine enchantment. The Sidlesaghe led Caela through

twists and turns, great circles and tight curves, traversing the larger part of the city west of the


Eventually the Sidlesaghe brought Caela to a stop before Ludgate.

Save that now the twin towers and the walls and the very gates themselves had vanished.

Instead there rose before them a small circle of standing stones, like, yet unlike, the Stone

Dances that Caela had seen in her travels as Cornelia. They were as tall as the uprights in the

Stone Dances, but more graceful, being composed of tapered fluted columns which were topped

with stone scrollwork. There were twelve of these columns, and they encircled a clear space that

was lit with a soft golden radiance.

―These stones,‖ Caela murmured, transfixed by the sight. ―Are they…?‖

―Aye. They are of our number as well. When Brutus first constructed this enchantment

they were of his world, bloodless, lifeless creatures. But as the years passed we inhabited them,

one by one.‖

―So now the Sidlesaghes stand guard over the bands.‖

―And you, now.‖ The Sidlesaghe‘s hold on Caela‘s hand tightened momentarily, then he

led her forwards.

As they approached the columned circle, he paused, and whispered against Caela‘s ear,

―Remember, do not meet his eyes.‖

She nodded, her eyes on the radiance beyond the columns.

They walked forward slowly.

As they reached the columns, and paused between two of them, the Sidlesaghe felt Caela

tense. ―Remember!‖ he whispered, and she managed a tight nod.

Brutus stood in the centre of the circle.

He was naked save for the six golden bands of Troy he wore about his limbs. His tightly

curled black hair flowed down his back, lifting a little in some unfelt breeze.

He was walking very slowly and very deliberately about the centre of the circle, his head

down, his eyes fixed on the ground intently, as if he studied it for flaws.

Then suddenly he stopped, and raised his head, and looked directly towards where the

Sidlesaghe and Caela stood.

The Sidlesaghe looked at Caela‘s face, then tugged urgently at her hand.

Caela had been looking straight at Brutus as he‘d stopped and raised his eyes to them, a

look of utter want on her face, and she only managed to jerk her eyes downwards in the barest

instant before her gaze would have met that of Brutus.

The Sidlesaghe kept his eyes fixed on Caela‘s face. ―Remember!‖ he hissed at her.

Brutus walked slowly towards them.

The Sidlesaghe felt Caela tremble.

Brutus halted a pace away and the Sidlesaghe could sense his puzzlement, even if he

could not directly see Brutus‘ face.

―Genvissa?‖ Brutus said. ―Is that you? Genvissa?‖

Caela moaned, then bit her lip, and the Sidlesaghe understood the effort it took her not to

look at Brutus.

―Genvissa?‖ Brutus said. He stood still, looking forward intently, and the Sidlesaghe

knew that Brutus felt something.

―Oh gods,‖ Brutus said, his voice breaking, ―where are you, Genvissa?‖

The Sidlesaghe thought Caela would collapse at that moment. Her breath was coming in

short jerks, her body was shaking, her head was trembling uncontrollably.

Any moment she was going to lift her eyes to Brutus, and call his name.

―In one of your futures,‖ the Sidlesaghe said, very softly, ―it will not be her name he

calls, and then you will be able to lift your head and meet his eyes. Remember that.‖

The compassion in his voice steadied Caela. She closed her eyes, gained some control of

herself, then squeezed the Sidlesaghe‘s hand very slightly.

I will not look.

―Genvissa?‖ Brutus said one more time, but his tone was less sure now, less urgent, and

after a moment he turned and walked back to the centre of the circle.

He stood—fortunately now with his back to the Sidlesaghe and Caela, which meant they

could watch him directly—and looked down for a long time, then he sighed and seemed to come

to a decision within himself. He lifted his left hand and, slowly, with great precision, slid the

golden band that encircled his right forearm down over his wrist.

He hesitated as it reached his hand, then, the muscles of his back visibly clenching, he

slid the band over his hand, squatted, and placed the band on the ground before him. He lifted his

right hand, and made a complex movement over the band as it lay on the ground.

―He is creating the labyrinthine enchantment that we just traversed,‖ the Sidlesaghe

whispered into Caela‘s ear, and she gave a small nod.

Brutus finished, standing upright.

In the space of a breath, he vanished, and both Caela and the Sidlesaghe let out their

breaths in long, relieved sighs.

―Take it,‖ the Sidlesaghe said, nodding to the band where it lay on the ground. ―Take it.

You will be safe.‖

Caela paused, then walked into the circle. She stood before the band, then leaned down

and, without any hesitation, picked it up.

Part Five

Late 1065

Don’t jump on the cracks, …

Late 1065

Don‘t jump on the cracks, or the monster will snatch!

Children‘s hopscotch song, traditional

London, March 1939

“What do you know of Eaving?” Skelton said as he stirred the sugar into his tea. He

stared unabashedly at Ecub and Matilda, noting the similarities in their finely-drawn features.

True-born sisters now. Twins, he thought, as there was no age difference between them.

Who had controlled their rebirth? Surely not Asterion. They must be a part of the Troy

Game itself, their souls entwined with the Labyrinth.

“Very little,” said Matilda. “Jack, you know me, and know what once I was to you. If I

knew, I would tell you.”

“Is she with Coel?”

“You asked Loth that last night,” said Ecub. “Would you blame her if she was?”

“Curse you, Ecub!” Skelton said, pushing aside his cup and saucer. “I love her! Where

is she?‖

“Coel has ever been the gentler choice for her,” Ecub responded.

“Coel is not the man for her,” Skelton responded, very quietly, his eyes steady on Ecub”s.

“Now tell me, you ancient witch, where is Eaving? You are bound to her. You must know where she is!”

Ecub looked at Matilda, then back to Skelton. She smiled. “You are going to have to fight

for both Eaving and your daughter. Are you prepared to do that?”

“Yes, damn it. Yes!”

“Are you prepared to do everything in your power to—”


Ecub raised her eyebrows, and shared a look with Matilda.

“I will destroy the world if that is what it takes,” said Skelton. “Please…”

Ecub studied him, seeing in his haggard face all she needed to know.

“What if I said to you,” she said, “that „destroying the world” means giving Eaving to

Coel, forever and aye?”

Skelton sat back in his chair and studied Mother Ecub through narrowed eyes. “No,” he

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