Goldsmiths Friend Abroad Again by Mark Twain

portion of this continent. His enterprise was a failure, and so he set

us all free, merely taking measures to secure to himself the repayment of

the passage money which he paid for us. We are to make this good to him

out of the first moneys we earn here. He says it is sixty dollars


We were thus set free about two weeks after we reached here. We had been

massed together in some small houses up to that time, waiting. I walked

forth to seek my fortune. I was to begin life a stranger in a strange

land, without a friend, or a penny, or any clothes but those I had on my

back. I had not any advantage on my side in the world–not one, except

good health and the lack of any necessity to waste any time or anxiety on

the watching of my baggage. No, I forget. I reflected that I had one

prodigious advantage over paupers in other lands–I was in America! I

was in the heaven-provided refuge of the oppressed and the forsaken!

Just as that comforting thought passed through my mind, some young men

set a fierce dog on me. I tried to defend myself, but could do nothing.

I retreated to the recess of a closed doorway, and there the dog had me

at his mercy, flying at my throat and face or any part of my body that

presented itself. I shrieked for help, but the young men only jeered and

laughed. Two men in gray uniforms ( policemen is their official title)

looked on for a minute and then walked leisurely away. But a man stopped

them and brought them back and told them it was a shame to leave me in

such distress. Then the two policemen beat off the dog with small clubs,

and a comfort it was to be rid of him, though I was just rags and blood

from head to foot. The man who brought the policemen asked the young men

why they abused me in that way, and they said they didn’t want any of his

meddling. And they said to him:

“This Ching divil comes till Ameriky to take the bread out o’ dacent

intilligent white men’s mouths, and whir they try to defind their rights

there’s a dale o’ fuss made about it.”

They began to threaten my benefactor, and as he saw no friendliness in

the faces that had gathered meanwhile, he went on his way. He got many a

curse when he was gone. The policemen now told me I was under arrest and

must go with them. I asked one of them what wrong I had done to any one

that I should be arrested, and he only struck me with his club and

ordered me to “hold my yap.” With a jeering crowd of street boys and

loafers at my heels, I was taken up an alley and into a stone-paved

dungeon which had large cells all down one side of it, with iron gates to

them. I stood up by a desk while a man behind it wrote down certain

things about me on a slate. One of my captors said:

“Enter a charge against this Chinaman of being disorderly and disturbing

the peace.”

I attempted to say a word, but he said:

“Silence! Now ye had better go slow, my good fellow. This is two or

three times you’ve tried to get off some of your d—d insolence. Lip

won’t do here. You’ve got to simmer down, and if you don’t take to it

paceable we’ll see if we can’t make you. Fat’s your name?”

“Ah Song Hi.”

“Alias what?”

I said I did not understand, and he said what he wanted was my true name,

for he guessed I picked up this one since I stole my last chickens. They

all laughed loudly at that.

Then they searched me. They found nothing, of course. They seemed very

angry and asked who I supposed would “go my bail or pay my fine.” When

they explained these things to me, I said I had done nobody any harm, and

why should I need to have bail or pay a fine? Both of them kicked me and

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Categories: Twain, Mark