Dickens, Charles – A Child’s History of England

the French, the rest of King Henry’s reign was quiet enough. But,

the King was far from happy, and probably was troubled in his

conscience by knowing that he had usurped the crown, and had

occasioned the death of his miserable cousin. The Prince of Wales,

though brave and generous, is said to have been wild and

dissipated, and even to have drawn his sword on GASCOIGNE, the

Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, because he was firm in dealing

impartially with one of his dissolute companions. Upon this the

Chief Justice is said to have ordered him immediately to prison;

the Prince of Wales is said to have submitted with a good grace;

and the King is said to have exclaimed, ‘Happy is the monarch who

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Dickens, Charles – A Child’s History of England

has so just a judge, and a son so willing to obey the laws.’ This

is all very doubtful, and so is another story (of which Shakespeare

has made beautiful use), that the Prince once took the crown out of

his father’s chamber as he was sleeping, and tried it on his own


The King’s health sank more and more, and he became subject to

violent eruptions on the face and to bad epileptic fits, and his

spirits sank every day. At last, as he was praying before the

shrine of St. Edward at Westminster Abbey, he was seized with a

terrible fit, and was carried into the Abbot’s chamber, where he

presently died. It had been foretold that he would die at

Jerusalem, which certainly is not, and never was, Westminster.

But, as the Abbot’s room had long been called the Jerusalem

chamber, people said it was all the same thing, and were quite

satisfied with the prediction.

The King died on the 20th of March, 1413, in the forty-seventh year

of his age, and the fourteenth of his reign. He was buried in

Canterbury Cathedral. He had been twice married, and had, by his

first wife, a family of four sons and two daughters. Considering

his duplicity before he came to the throne, his unjust seizure of

it, and above all, his making that monstrous law for the burning of

what the priests called heretics, he was a reasonably good king, as

kings went.



THE Prince of Wales began his reign like a generous and honest man.

He set the young Earl of March free; he restored their estates and

their honours to the Percy family, who had lost them by their

rebellion against his father; he ordered the imbecile and

unfortunate Richard to be honourably buried among the Kings of

England; and he dismissed all his wild companions, with assurances

that they should not want, if they would resolve to be steady,

faithful, and true.

It is much easier to burn men than to burn their opinions; and

those of the Lollards were spreading every day. The Lollards were

represented by the priests – probably falsely for the most part –

to entertain treasonable designs against the new King; and Henry,

suffering himself to be worked upon by these representations,

sacrificed his friend Sir John Oldcastle, the Lord Cobham, to them,

after trying in vain to convert him by arguments. He was declared

guilty, as the head of the sect, and sentenced to the flames; but

he escaped from the Tower before the day of execution (postponed

for fifty days by the King himself), and summoned the Lollards to

meet him near London on a certain day. So the priests told the

King, at least. I doubt whether there was any conspiracy beyond

such as was got up by their agents. On the day appointed, instead

of five-and-twenty thousand men, under the command of Sir John

Oldcastle, in the meadows of St. Giles, the King found only eighty

men, and no Sir John at all. There was, in another place, an

addle-headed brewer, who had gold trappings to his horses, and a

pair of gilt spurs in his breast – expecting to be made a knight

next day by Sir John, and so to gain the right to wear them – but

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Categories: Charles Dickens