Hawkmistress! A DARKOVER NOVEL by Marion Zimmer Bradley

But her rebellious thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Jandria, who stood holding Sunstar by the reins. He was saddled and bridled, and as he raised his silken nose and whickered softly in recognition of Romilly, she reached out again to touch the horse’s mind in greeting and love.

Jandria said, “It is an honor to the Sisterhood that we can make this splendid gift to the king, and for their sake I thank you.”

“I am the one who is honored,” Romilly answered in a low voice, “It has been a pleasure to work with Sunstar.”

“There he is, with Lord Orain,” said Jandria, and Romilly saw Orain, dressed for riding, next to a hooded and cloaked man who was walking toward them. She gripped Sunstar’s reins in excitement.

“High-lord, you lend us grace,” Jandria began with a deep bow. “The Sisterhood of the Sword is honored and pleased to present you with this magnificent horse, trained by our finest horse-woman. Romilly?”

She did not raise her eyes to the king’s, though she was conscious of Orain’s glance. She said, looking only at the horse’s sleek nose, “His name is Sunstar, Your Majesty, and he is trained to all paces and gaits. He will carry you for love; he has never felt whip or spur.”

“If you had his training, Mistress Romilly, I know he is well trained,” said a familiar voice, and she looked up at the hooded form of the king, to look into the eyes of Dom Carlo of Blue Lake. He smiled at her surprise. “I am sorry to have the advantage of you, Mistress MacAran; I knew who you were long ago. . . .” and she remembered the moment when she had felt the touch of his laran.

“I wish you had told me, vai dom,” said Orain, “I had no notion she was a girl and I made a precious fool of myself!”

Dom Carlo – no, Romilly reminded herself, King Carolin, Hastur of Hastur, Lord of Thendara and Hali – looked at Orain with open, warm affection. He said, “You see only what you want to see, bredu,” and patted Orain’s shoulder. He said to Romilly, “I thank you, and the Sisterhood, for this magnificent gift, and for your loyalty to me. Both are precious to me, believe me. And I have heard, too, that you are to continue with your handling of the sentry-birds whose lives you saved when we met with you on the trail to Nevarsin. I shall not forget, my-” he hesitated a moment, smiled and said, “Swordswoman. Thank you – thank you all.”

Romilly touched Sunstar again, a loving and final gesture of leave-taking. “Serve him well,” she whispered, “Carry him faithfully, love him as I – as I love you.” She moved away from the animal, watching as the king gathered up the reins and mounted.

He has some touch of that gift. I remember well. Sunstar, then, does not go to a brutal or insensitive man, but to one who will reckon him at his true worth.

Still she was troubled. Dom Carlo had known she was a girl and had not betrayed her among the men; but he might have spared her humiliation at Orain’s hands, too, by warning his friend. But then, remembering to be fair, she told herself that he might have had no notion of her feelings for Orain, and he certainly could never have guessed that she would throw herself at Orain’s head – or into his bed – in that way.

Well, it did not matter; done was done. Ruyven came toward her and she presented him to Jandria.

“My brother Ruyven; the Lady Jandria.”

“Swordswoman Jandria,” corrected the older woman, laughing. “I have told you; rank we leave behind us when we take the sword. And your brother is-”

“Ruyven MacAran,” he told her, “Fourth in Tramontana, Second Circle. Have you finished with my sister, domna?” Romilly noted that, as if automatically, he called Jandria by the formal title given an equal or superior, domna – Lady – rather than the simpler mestra which he would have used to a social inferior.

“She is free to go,” Jandria said, and Romilly, frowning, followed Ruyven.

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