Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

The Deveels loved it. It let them make money and harass the Mob at the same time. No wonder Shai-ster’s table was fast disappearing under a mountain of claims and protests.

It was terrific … except for the part about making an example out of everyone they caught. I made a mental note to warn the team about being extra careful.

“If it’s not a gang, and they aren’t working against us,” Nunzio scowled, “why is everything happening in our areas? My dad taught me to be suspicious of coincidences. He got killed by one.”

“How do you know it’s just happening in our area?” Shai-ster countered. “Maybe we picked a bad area of the Bazaar to start our operation. Maybe the whole Bazaar is a bad area. Maybe we should have been suspicious when Skeeve here told us there were no police. You get this much money floating around with no police, of course there’ll be crooks around.”

“So what are we supposed to do?” Guido snarled, plucking his napkin from under his chin and throwing it on the table. “My boys can’t be two places at once. We can’t watch over our current clients and sign on new accounts, too.”

“That’s right,” Shai-ster agreed, “so here’s what we’re going to do. First, we split up the teams. Two thirds of the boys patrol the areas we’ve got under protection. The others go after new clients. . .but we don’t just take anybody. We investigate and ask questions. We find out how much trouble a new area or a new shop has had before we take them as a client. Then we know who the bad risks are, and if we protect them at all, they pay double. Capish?”

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