Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin


Now, I don’t want you to think I’m a pushover. I drove a hard bargain with the King before giving in. I not only managed to get him to agree to a bonus, but to cough up a hefty percentage in advance before accepting the assignment. Not bad for a fledgling magician who was over a barrel.

Of course, once I accepted, I was no longer over a barrel, I was in over my head!

The more I thought about it, the worse the idea of standing in for the King seemed. The trouble was, I didn’t have a choice … or did I? I thought about it some more and a glimmer of hope appeared.

There was a way out! The only question was, how far could I run in a day? While not particularly worldly (or off-worldly for that matter) I was pretty sure that double-crossing kings wasn’t the healthiest of pastimes.

It was going to be a big decision, definitely the biggest I ever had to make on my own. The King (or to be exact, his stand-in) wasn’t due to make an appearance until noon tomorrow, so I had a little time to mull things over. With that in mind, I decided to talk it out with my last friend left in the palace. “What do you think, Gleep? Should I take it on the lam, or stick around and try to bluff it out for one day asking?”

The response was brief and to the point.


For those of you who’ve tuned in to this series late,

Gleep is my pet. He lives in the Royal Stables. He’s also a twenty-foot long blue dragon … half grown. (I shudder to think what he’ll be like when he’s fully grown! Groan!) As to his witty conversation, you’ll have to forgive him. He only has a one-word vocabulary, but he makes up for it by using that word a lot. Wordy or not, I turned to him in this moment of crisis because with Aahz gone, he was the only one in this dimension who would be even vaguely sympathetic to my problem. That in itself says a lot about the social life of a magician.

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