Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

I almost. .. almost! . . . looked around to see where the Geek had gone. Then I did a little mental arithmetic and figured it out.

A disguise spell!

I’d gotten so used to fooling people myself with that spell that when someone did the same to me, I was completely taken in.

“Still kinda new at this intrigue stuff, aren’t you?” he observed dryly from his new face.

Fortunately I was saved the problem of thinking up a suitable response by the entrance of the contestants. With the scramble of planning and launching our counter-offensive, I hadn’t really been briefed on what the Mob was betting on except that it would be a tagteam wrestling match. No one said what the contestants would be like, and I had assumed it would be like the matches I had seen back on Klah. I should have known better.

The two teams were made up of beings who barely stood high enough to reach my waist! I mean they were small! They looked like kids … if you’re used to having kids around with four arms each.

“What are those?” I demanded.

“Those are the teams,” the Geek said helpfully.

“I mean, what are they? Where are they from?”

“Oh. Those are Tues.”

“And you bet on them? I mean, I’ve heard of midget wrestling, but this is ridiculous!”

“Don’t knock it,” the Deveel shrugged. “They’re big on the wrestling circuit. In fact, teams like this are their dimension’s most popular export. Everyone knows them as the Terrible Tues. They’re a lot more destructive than you’d guess from their size.”

“This is a put-on, right?”

“If you really want to see something, you should catch their other export. It’s a traveling dance troupe called the Tue Tours.”

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