Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

“Most people content themselves with touring,” I suggested. “You don’t have to conquer a country to see it.”

“Cute,” Queen Hemlock sneered. “Naive, but cute. Let’s just say I’m not most people and let it ride, okay? Now then, for the second power base, there’s you and your magic. That’s a bonus I hadn’t expected, but I’m sure that, given a day or two, I can expand my plans to take advantage of it.”

At one time, I thought I had been scared by Massha. In hindsight, Massha caused me only faint discomfort. Talking with Queen Hemlock, I learned what fear was all about! She wasn’t just a murderess, as Badaxe suspected. She was utter mayhem waiting to be loosed on the world. The only thing between her and the resources necessary to act out her dreams was me. Me, and maybe….

“What about King Rodrick?” I blurted out. “If he shows up, the original wedding plans go into effect.”

“You mean he’s still alive?” she exclaimed, arching a thin eyebrow at me. “I’ve overestimated you, Skeeve. Alive he could be a problem. No matter. I’ll alert my escort to kill him on sight if he appears before the wedding. After we’re married, it would be a simple matter to declare him an imposter and have him officially executed.”

Terrific. Thanks to my big mouth, Massha would be walking into a trap if she tried to return the King to the castle. If Queen Hemlock’s men saw him, then …

“Wait a minute!” I exclaimed. “If I’m walking around disguised as the King, what’s to keep your men from offing me by mistake?”

“Hmm. Good thing you thought about that. Okay! Here’s what we’ll do.”

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