Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

I carefully opened an eye.

One bodyguard was unconscious. The other rolled about, groaning weakly.

“They’re down,” I said, needlessly.

Shai-ster ignored me.

“Big bad bodyguards! Wait’ll the Big Boys hear how good dumb muscle is against magik!”

He paused to kick the groaner in the side.

“Groan quieter! Mister Skeeve and I have some talking to do.”

Having already completed one adventure after antagonizing the military arm of a large organization, I was not overly eager to add another entire group of plug-uglies to my growing list of enemies.

“Nothing personal,” I called to the bodyguard who was still conscious. “Here! Have a drink.”

I levitated the flask over to him, and he caught it with a weak moan I chose to interpret as “thanks.”

“You said something about a deal?” Shai-ster said, turning to me again.

“Right. Now, if my appraisal of the situation is correct, the Mob wants three things: Big Julie’s army back, me dead or working for them, and a crack at the new money coming into Possiltum after the wedding.”

The Mob spokesman cocked his head to one side.

“That’s a bit more blunt than I would have put it, but you appear to have captured the essential spirit of my clients’ wishes. My compliments on your concise summation.”

“Here’s another concise summation to go with it. Hands off Big Julie and his crew; he’s under my protection. By the same token, Possiltum is my territory. Stay away from it or it will cost you more than you’ll get. As to my services, I have no wish to become a Mob employee. I would consider an occasional assignment as an outside contractor for a specific fee, but full-time employment is out.”

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