Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

Of course, this got me brooding again about Aahz not coming back.

“Well, whatever. I’m glad to see your philosophy regarding vacations mirrors my own. Lord Magician. Everyone should have a vacation. In fact, that’s why I came to see you. I am going on a vacation.”

That opened my eyes. Figuratively and literally. “You, your Majesty? But Kings don’t take vacations.”

“That’s the whole point.”

Rodrick began pacing the floor nervously as he spoke.

“The pressures of being a King mount up like they do on any other job. The difference is that as a King you never get a break. No time to rest and collect your thoughts, or even just sleep late. From the coronation when the crown hits your head until it’s removed by voluntary or forcible retirement, you are the King.”

“Gee, that’s tough. Your Majesty. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

The King stopped pacing and beamed at me again.

“But you can! That’s why I’m here!”

“Me? I can’t approve a vacation for you! Even if it were in my power, and it isn’t, the kingdom needs a king on the throne all the time. It can’t spare you, even for one day!”

“Exactly! That’s why I can’t leave the throne unattended. If I wanted a vacation, I’d need a stand-in.”

An alarm bell went off in my mind.

Now, however much Aahz may have nagged me about being a slow student, I’m not stupid. Even before I met Aahz . . . heck, before I learned my letters … I knew how to add two and two to get four. In this case, one two was the king’s need for a stand-in; the second two was his presence in my quarters, and the four was….

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