Hobb, Robin – Farseer 1 – Assassin’s Apprentice

“Well. Now what?” he demanded harshly, and I heard in his voice how weary he was of both me and my problems. Had I been any less miserable, my pride would have made me draw myself up and declare nothing was wrong.

Instead, I muttered into Sooty’s coat, “Tomorrow Galen plans to test us.”

“I know. He’s demanded quite abruptly that I furnish him horses for this idiotic scheme. I would have refused, had he not a wax signet from the King giving him authority. And no more do I know than that he wants the horses, so don’t ask it,” he added gruffly as I looked up suddenly at him.

“I wouldn’t,” I told him sullenly. I would prove myself fairly to Galen, or not at all.

“You’ve no chance of passing this trial he’s designed, do you?” Burrich’s tone was casual, but I could hear how he braced himself to be disappointed by my answer.

“None,” I said flatly, and we were both silent a moment, listening to the finality of that word.

“Well.” He cleared his throat and gave his belt a hitch. “Then you’d best get it over with and get back here, then. It’s not like you haven’t had good luck with your other schooling. A man can’t expect to succeed at everything he tries.” He attempted to make my failure at the Skill sound as if it were of no consequence.

“I suppose not. Will you take care of Smithy for me while I’m gone?”

“I will.” He started to turn away, then turned back, almost reluctantly. “How much is that dog going to miss you?”

I heard his other question, but tried to avoid it. “I don’t know. I’ve had to leave him so much during these lessons, I’m afraid he won’t miss me at all.”

“I doubt that,” Burrich said ponderously. He turned away. “I doubt that a very great deal,” he said as he walked off between the rows of stalls. And I knew that he knew, and was disgusted, not just that Smithy and I shared a bond, but that I refused to admit it.

“As if admitting it were an option, with him,” I muttered to Sooty. I bade my animals farewell, trying to convey to Smithy that several meals and nights would pass before he saw me again. He wriggled and fawned and protested that I must take him, that I would need him. He was too big to pick up and hug anymore. I sat down and he came into my lap and I held him. He was so warm and solid, so near and real. For a moment I felt how right he was, that I would need him to be able to survive this failure. But I reminded myself that he would be here, waiting for me when I returned, and I promised him several days of my time for his sole benefit when I returned. I would take him on a long hunt, such as we had never had time for before. Now, he suggested, and soon, I promised. Then I went back up to the keep to pack a change of clothes and some traveling food.

The next morning had much of pomp and drama to it and very little sense, to my way of thinking. The others to be tested seemed elated. Of the eight of us that were setting out, I was the only one who seemed unimpressed by the restless horses and the eight covered litters. Galen lined us up and blindfolded us as threescore or more of people looked on. Most of them were related to the students, or friends, or the keep gossips. Galen made a brief speech, ostensibly to us, but telling us what we already knew: that we were to be taken to different locations and left; that we must cooperate, using the Skill, in order to make our ways back to the keep; that if we succeeded, we would become a coterie and serve our king magnificently and be essential to defeating the Red-Ship Raiders. The last bit impressed our onlookers, for I heard muttering tongues as I was escorted to my litter and assisted inside.

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