Hobb, Robin – Farseer 1 – Assassin’s Apprentice

“Well?” he demanded of me.

I looked at him blankly. “You summoned me,” I reminded him.

“Yes. I did. I should like to know why it was necessary. I thought you had received some sort of training in this sort of thing. How long were you going to wait before you reported to me?”

I could think of nothing to say. I had never remotely considered reporting to Regal. To Shrewd or Chade, definitely, and to Verity. But to Regal?

“Need I remind you of your duty? Report.”

I hastily gathered my wits. “Would you hear my observations on the Chyurda as a people? Or information on the herbs they grow? Or-“

“I want to know what you are doing about your … assignment. Have you acted yet? Have you made a plan? When can we expect results, and of what kind? I scarcely want the Prince dropping dead at my feet, and me unprepared for it.”

I could scarcely credit what I was hearing. Never had Shrewd spoken so bluntly or so openly of my work. Even when our privacy was assured, he circled and danced and left me to draw my own conclusions. I had seen Sevrens go into his other chamber, but had no idea where the man was now or how sound carried in this chamber. And Regal was speaking as if we were discussing shoeing a horse.

“Are you being insolent, or stupid?” Regal demanded.

“Neither,” I rejoined as politely as I was able. “I am being cautious. My prince.” I added the last in the hopes of putting the conversation on a more formal level.

“You are being foolishly cautious. I trust my valet, and there is no one else here. So report. My bastard assassin.” He said the last words as if he thought them cleverly sarcastic.

I took a breath and reminded myself that I was a king’s man. And in this time and place, this was as close to a king as I was going to get. I chose my phrases carefully. “Yesterday, in the garden, Princess Kettricken told me you had told her I was a poisoner and that her brother, Rurisk, was my target.”

“A lie,” Regal said decisively. “I told her nothing of the kind. Either you had clumsily betrayed yourself, or she was merely fishing for information. I hope you have not spoiled all by revealing yourself to her.”

I could have lied much better than he did. I let his remarks slide by and went on. I gave him a full report, of my poisoning, and of Rurisk and Kettricken’s early-morning visit. I repeated our conversation verbatim. And when I was finished, Regal spent a number of minutes looking at his nails before he spoke to me. “And have you decided on a method and time yet?”

I tried not to show my surprise. “Under the circumstances, I thought it better to abandon the assignment.”

“No nerve,” Regal observed with disgust. “I asked Father to send that old whore Lady Thyme. She’d have had him in his grave by now.”

“Sir?” I asked questioningly. That he referred to Chade as Lady Thyme made me nearly certain that he knew nothing at all. He suspected, of course, but making revelations about Chade was definitely outside my realm.

“Sir?” Regal mimicked back at me, and for the first time I realized the man was drunk. Physically, he carried it well. He did not stink of it, but it brought all his pettiness to the surface. He sighed heavily, as if too disgusted for words, then flung himself down on a couch draped with blankets and cushions. “Nothing has changed,” he informed me. “You’ve been given your task. Do it. If you are clever, you can make it appear an accident. Having been so naively open with Kettricken and Rurisk, neither will expect it. But I want it done. Before tomorrow evening.”

“Before the wedding?” I asked incredulously. “Don’t you think the death of the bride’s brother might lead her to cancel it?”

“It would be no more than temporary if she did. I have her well in hand, boy. She is easily dazzled. That end of this thing is my concern. Yours is getting rid of her brother. Now. How will you do it?”

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