Hobb, Robin – Farseer 1 – Assassin’s Apprentice

I needed to talk to Chade. I couldn’t. I had to somehow decide this, myself. Unless.

Servants again brought water and fruit. I arose and dressed in my annoying clothes, and ate, and left my chambers. This day was much the same as yesterday. The holiday atmosphere was beginning to wear on me. I attempted to employ my time to advantage, enlarging my knowledge of the palace, its routines and layout. I found Eyod’s, Kettricken’s, and Rurisk’s chambers. I also carefully studied the staircase and support structures to Regal’s. I discovered that Cob slept in the stables, as did Burrich. I expected that of Burrich; he would not surrender the care of Buckkeep horses until he left Jhaampe; but why was Cob sleeping there? To impress Burrich, or to watch him? Sevrens and Rowd both slept in the antechamber of Regal’s apartments, despite a plentitude of rooms in the palace. I tried to study the distribution and schedules of the guards and sentries, but couldn’t find any. And all the while I watched for August. It took me the better part of the morning before I could find him in quiet circumstance. “I need to talk to you. Privately,” I told him.

He looked annoyed and glanced about to see if anyone were watching us. “Not here, Fitz. Maybe when we get back to Buckkeep. I’ve official duties, and-“

I had been prepared for that. I opened my hand, to show him the pin the King had given me so many years ago. “Do you see this? I had it from King Shrewd, a long time ago. And with it, his promise that if I ever needed to speak to him, I need only show it and I would be admitted to his chambers.”

“How touching,” August observed cynically. “And had you some reason for telling me this story? To impress me with your importance, perhaps?”

“I need to speak to the King. Now.”

“He isn’t here,” August pointed out. He turned to walk away.

I took hold of his arm, turned him back to me. “You can Skill to him.”

He shook me off angrily and glanced about us again. “I most certainly cannot. And would not, if I could. Do you think every man who can Skill is allowed to interrupt the King?”

“I have shown you the pin. I promise you, he would not regard this as an interruption.”

“I cannot.”

“Verity, then.”

“I do not Skill to Verity until he Skills to me first. Bastard, you don’t understand. You took the training and you failed at it, and you really have not the slightest comprehension of what the Skill is about. It is not like hallooing to a friend across a valley. It is a serious thing, not to be used except for serious purposes.” Again he turned away from me.

“Turn back, August, or regret it long.” I put every ounce of menace I could into my voice. It was an empty threat; I had no real way to make him regret it, other than threatening to tattle to the King. “Shrewd will not be pleased that you ignored his token.”

August turned slowly back. He glared at me. “Well. I will do this thing, then, but you must promise to take all blame for it.”

“I will. Will you come to my chambers, then, and Skill for me now?”

“Is there no other place?”

“Your chambers?” I suggested.

“No, that is even worse. Do not take it amiss, bastard, but I do not wish to seem to associate with you.”

“Take it not amiss, lordling, that I feel the same about you.

In the end, on a stone bench, in a quiet part of Kettricken’s herb garden, August sat down and closed his eyes. “What message am I to Skill to Shrewd?”

I considered. This would be a game of riddles, if I were to keep August unaware of my true problem. “Tell him Prince Rurisk’s health is excellent, and we may all hope to see him live to old age. Regal still wishes to give him the gift, but I do not think it appropriate.”

August opened his eyes. “The Skill is an important-“

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