Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

back to the suffering head waiter. ‘Look, Bil ,’ he said, taking him by the shoulder. ‘This

isn’t food. No one expects it to be food. If people wanted food they’d stay at home, isn’t

that so? They come here for ambience. For the experience. This isn’t cookery, Bil .

This is cuisine. See? And they’re coming back for more.

‘Yeah, but old boots . . .

‘Dwarfs eats rats,’ said the manager. ‘And trol s eat rocks. There’s folks in

Howondaland that eat insects and folks on the Counterweight Continent eat soup

made out of bird spit. At least the boots have been on a cow.

‘And mud?’ said the head waiter, gloomily

‘Isn’t there an old proverb that says a man must eat a bushel of dirt before he dies?

‘Yes, but not al at once.

‘Bil ?’ said the manager, kindly, picking up a spatula

‘Yes, boss?

‘Get those damn boots off right now, wil you?

When Chickenwire reached the bottom of the tower he was trembling, and not just

from the effort. He headed straight for the door until Medium Dave grabbed him

‘Let me out! It’s after me!

‘Look at his face,’ said Catseye. ‘Looks like he’s seen a ghost!

‘Yeah, wel , it ain’t a ghost,’ muttered Chickenwire. ‘It’s worse’n a ghost-

Medium Dave slapped him across the face

‘Pul yourself together! Look around! Nothing’s chasing you! Anyway, it’s not as

though we couldn’t put up a fight, right?

Terror had had time to drain away a little. Chickenwire looked back up the stairs.

There was nothing there

‘Good,’ said Medium Dave, watching his face. ‘Now… What happened?

Chickenwire looked at his feet

‘I thought it was the wardrobe,’ he muttered. ‘Go on, laugh…

They didn’t laugh

‘What wardrobe?’ said Catseye

‘Oh, when I was a kid…’ Chickenwire waved his arms vaguely. ‘We had this big ole

wardrobe, if you must know. Oak. It had this… this..

on the door there was this… sort of… face.’ He looked at their faces, which were

equal y wooden. ‘I mean, not an actual face, there was… al this… decoration round the

keyhole, sort of flowers and leaves and stuff, but if you looked at it in the… right way…

it was a face and they put it in my room ‘cos it was so big and in the night… in the

night… in the night-

They were grown men or at least had lived for several decades, which in some

societies is considered the same thing. But you had to stare at a man so creased up

with dread

‘Yes?’ said Catseye hoarsely

‘…it whispered things,’ said Chickenwire, in a quiet little voice, like a vole in a


They looked at one another

‘What things?’ said Medium Dave

‘I don’t know! I always had my head under the pil ow! Anyway, it’s just something

from when I was a kid, al right? Our dad got rid of it in the finish. Burned it. And I


They mental y shook themselves, as people do when their minds emerge back into

the light

‘It’s like me and the dark,’ said Catseye

‘Oh, don’t you start,’ said Medium Dave. ‘Anyway, you ain’t afraid of the dark. You’re

famed for it. I been working with you in al kinds of cel ars and stuff. I mean, that’s how

you got your name. Catseye. Sees like a cat.

‘Yeah, wel … you try an’ make up for it, don’t you?’ said Catseye. “Cos when you’re

grown you know it’s just shadows and stuff

Besides, it ain’t like the dark we used to have in the cel ar.

‘Oh, they had a special kind of a dark when you was a lad, did they?’ said Medium

Dave. ‘Not like the kind of dark you get these days, eh?

Sarcasm didn’t work

‘No,’ said Catseye, simply. ‘It wasn’t. In our cel ar, it wasn’t.

‘Our mam used to wal op us if we went down to the cel ar,’ said Medium Dave. ‘She

had her stil down there.

‘Yeah?’ said Catseye, from somewhere far off. ‘Wel , our dad used to wal op us if we

tried to get out. Now shut up talking about it.

They reached the bottom of the stairs

There was an absence of anybody. And any body

‘He couldn’t have survived that, could he?’ said Medium Dave

‘I saw him as he went past,’ said Catseye. ‘Necks aren’t supposed to bend that way-

He squinted upwards

‘Who’s that moving up there?

‘How are their necks moving?’ quavered Chickenwire

‘Split up!’ said Medium Dave. ‘And this time al take a stairway. Then they can’t come

back down!

‘Who’re they? Why’re they here?

‘Why’re we here?’ said Peachy. He started, and looked behind him

‘Taking our money? After us putting up with him?

‘Yeah…’ said Peachy distantly, trailing after the others. ‘Er… did you hear that noise

just then?

‘What noise?

‘A sort of clipping, snipping… ?



‘No. You must have imagined it.

Peachy nodded miserably

As he walked up the stairs, little shadows raced through the stone and fol owed his


Susan darted off the stairs and dragged the oh god along a corridor lined with white


‘I think they saw us,’ she said. ‘And if they’re tooth fairies there’s been a real y stupid

equal opportunities policy…

She pushed open a door

There were no windows to the room, but it was lit perfectly wel by the wal s

themselves. Down the middle of the room was something like a display case, its lid

gaping open. Bits of card littered the floor

She reached down and picked one up and read: ‘Thomas Ague, aged 4 and nearly

three quarters, 9 Castle View, Sto Lat’. The writing was in a meticulous rounded script

She crossed the passage to another room, where there was the same scene of


‘So now we know where the teeth were,’ sh

said. ‘They must’ve taken them out of everywhere and carried them downstairs.

‘What for?

She sighed. ‘It’s such old magic it isn’t even magic any more,’ she said. ‘If you’ve got

a piece of someone’s hair, or a nail clipping, or a tooth you can control them.

The oh god tried to focus

‘That heap’s control ing mil ions of children?

‘Yes. Adults too, by now.

‘And you… you could make them think things and do things?

She nodded. ‘Yes.

‘You could get them to open Dad’s wal et and post the contents to some address?

‘Wel , I hadn’t thought of that, but yes, I suppose you could…

‘Or go downstairs and smash al the bottles in the drinks cabinet and promise never

to take a drink when they grow up?’ said the oh god hopeful y

‘What are you talking about?

‘It’s al right for you. You don’t wake up every morning and see your whole life flush

before your eyes

Medium Dave and Catseye ran down the passage and stopped where it forked

‘You go that way, I’l –

‘Why don’t we stick together?’ said Catseye

‘What’s got into everyone? I saw you bite th

throats out of a coupla guard dogs when we did that job in Quirm! Want me to hold

your hand? You check the doors down there, I’l check them along here.

He walked off

Catseye peered down the other passage

There weren’t many doors down there. It wasn’t very long. And, as Teatime had said,

there was nothing dangerous here that they hadn’t brought with them

He heard voices coming from a doorway and sagged with relief

He could deal with humans

As he approached, a sound made him look round

Shadows were racing down the passage behind him. They cascaded down the wal s

and flowed over the ceiling

Where shadows met they became darker. And darker

And rose. And leapt

‘What was that?’ said Susan

‘Sounded like the start of a scream,’ said Bilious

Susan threw open the door

There was no one outside

There was movement, though. She saw a patch of darkness in the corner of a wal

shrink and fade, and another shadow slid around the bend of the corridor

And there was a pair of boots in the centre of the corridor

She hadn’t remembered any boots there before

She sniffed. The air tasted of rats, and damp, and mould

‘Let’s get out of here,’ she said

‘How’re we going to find this Violet in al these rooms?

‘I don’t know. I should be able to… sense her, but I can’t.’ Susan peered around the

end of the corridor. She could hear men shouting, some way off

They slipped out on to the stairs again and managed another flight. There were more

rooms here, and in each one a cabinet that had been broken open

Shadows moved in the corners. The effect was as though some invisible light source

was gently shifting

‘This reminds me a lot of your… um… of your grandfather’s place,’ said the oh god

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Categories: Terry Pratchett