Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout

Hannah moved their own, beyond her. Wolfe’s eyes

went from left to right and back again.

“Go ahead, Martha,” Paul Hannah said. “This was

your idea.”

“No,” Martha said, “it was Hattie’s idea.” She was

still ornamental, and the dimples were still there, but

she didn’t look up to making an omelet of larks’ eggs.

She turned her face to me and then to Wolfe. “It’s

crazy,” she said. “The idea that Hattie— It’s just crazy.”

“She doesn’t mean,” Noel Ferris explained, “that

Hattie’s idea is crazy, she means the idea that Hattie

killed Tammy Baxter. Hattie’s idea was that we should

come and see you.”

“According to Martha,” Paul Hannah said.

“Idiot children,” Raymond Dell rumbled. His hat had

pressed his white mane down, but it was starting to

unfurl. “Snapping and yapping in the face of tragedy.”

“Death isn’t tragedy,” Ferris said. “Life is tragedy.”

“Was it Miss Annis’s idea,” Wolfe inquired, “that you

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should come and expound philosophy to me? Miss Kirk.

I gather that she spoke with you?”

Martha nodded. “She spoke to me. She said she had

hired you and Mr. Goodwin to make the cops eat dirt,

and we must come and tell you everything we had told

the cops.”

“When did she hire you?” Hannah demanded. His

chubby pink cheeks were a little saggy.

Wolfe ignored him and kept his eyes at Martha.

“What else did she say?”

“Nothing. She couldn’t. I was coming downstairs,

and they were carrying her out, and she saw me and

said that, and I said we would. Of course I couldn’t tell

the others then, they were still questioning us, but I did

as soon as they left.”

“They were carrying her literally? Bodily?”

“Yes. Two men.”

“Had they forced the door of her room?”


Wolfe grunted. “Possibly actionable. For the record,

Miss Annis is my client, but my job is not as she defined

it. I have engaged to investigate the murder that was

committed in her house.”

“It wasn’t committed by her,” Martha declared. “But

they’ve arrested her. It’s crazy!”

“It was committed by a sex maniac,” Paul Hannah

said. “Twice last week a man followed her right to the

door. When she told me about it I offered to ambush

him, but she said no, if he did it again and came close she

would handle him. She would, too.”

Noel Ferris twisted his lip. “Lochinvar Hannah,” he

drawled. “These sex maniacs are damn clever. Of

course getting in wasn’t much, he could have a bag of

assorted keys, but getting the knife from the kitchen

was a real stroke. We know he did because you identi-

fied it.”

“You keep harping on that.” Hannah’s cheeks were

pinker. “Certainly I identified it, with that nick in it. I

supposed you all would. I knew Hattie would.”

“I did.” Martha said.

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Ferris turned a hand over. “Then I should have too. I

was too sentimental, I always am. I had a vague notion

that it would be better to leave it plausible that the

knife was a stranger. Also I am too sensitive. I couldn’t

bear the thought that the knife I had sliced ham with

had been . . .” He finished it with a gesture, an actor’s


Raymond Dell snorted. “Adolescent imbeciles! All

three of you! We came here to serve a friend in whose

debt we are, not to prattle. Tammy Baxter was new in

that house, not yet of us. For all we know, Hattie may

have had reason to fear her beyond endurance. In a

frenzy of fear, in the panic of desperation, she killed her.

That is quite possible. We know that Hattie was not

herself. We thought her incapable of guile, but she

brought this man Goodwin, a professional detective—

she brought him there and presented him to Martha

and me in false colors.”

Ferris’s brows were up. “But you came here to serve


“I did.” Dell’s boom would have carried to the gallery

if there had been one. “Whether she killed or not,

whether she was wise to trust her fate to this man

Wolfe and this man Goodwin—we are not to judge. We

can only ask, what can we do or say to help her?” His

deep-set blue-gray eyes focused on Wolfe. “And we can

only ask you.”

Martha Kirk put in, “Hattie said we should tell him

everything we told the cops.”

Wolfe shook his head. “That may not be necessary. I

hope not.” He cleared his throat. “It has already been of

some slight help to sit and listen to you; that is inherent

in the situation. When four people are conversing in my

presence and I know that one of them committed mur-

der less than twelve hours ago, I would be a dolt to get

no inkling at all. Look at you now—your reaction to

what I just said. You are all staring at me. One of you

opened his mouth to interrupt, but closed it. None of

you glances at the others, or at any other. But I know

that one of you is feeling the pinch. He is asking himself,

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are my eyes all right, how about my mouth, should I say

something? He is aware, of course, that it will take

more than an inkling to undo him, but an inkling can

give me a start.”

It wasn’t giving me one. They all kept their stares at

him. Martha’s lips were parted, and Ferris’s were

twisted. Paul Hannah’s jaw was working. Dell’s chin

was up and he was frowning. Ferris demanded, “You

know it was one of us? How?”

“Not by an inkling, Mr. Ferris. There is the knife, and

there is my conviction, on grounds that satisfy me, that

Miss Annis didn’t use it, but that isn’t all. I prefer not to

disclose why she took Mr. Goodwin to her house in

masquerade; though one of you has certainly guessed

why I’ll leave it a guess.” He flattened his palms on the

chair arms. “And now we may proceed. Three of you

came here to help a friend, and one of you came because

he didn’t dare to refuse; nor will he dare to refuse to

answer my questions; and I expect him to expose him-

self. If he has already exposed himself to the police we

are wasting our time, but I’ll proceed on the assumption

that he hasn’t. If I fail, it will be because I haven’t asked

the right questions, and I don’t intend to fail.”

His head turned. “Mr. Dell. Have you paid your room

rent for the past three months?”

Chapter 6

Raymond Dell’s chin lifted another quarter of an

inch. “We could all refuse,” he said.

Wolfe nodded. “You could indeed. If you

think that would serve your friend in whose debt you

are. Shall I try the others?”

“No. As for that question, if Hattie is your client you

could ask her. Perhaps you already have. I have paid no

room rent for three years and she has asked for none.”

Wolfe’s head moved. “Miss Kirk?”

She was still staring at him. “The cops didn’t ask me

that,” she said.

Wolfe grunted. “They have their technique and I

have mine. That question applies to the problem as I

see it. Does it embarrass you?”

“No. I have lived there nearly a year and I have paid

five dollars every week.”

“From current income?”

“I haven’t any current income. I get a check from my

father every month.”

“I trust it doesn’t embarrass him. Mr. Ferris?”

Noel Ferris passed his tongue over his lips. “How

this applies is beyond me,” he said, “but I don’t dare to

refuse to answer. I haven’t figured how I stand on rent,

but you can. I’ve had a room there for eighteen months.

Last summer I was on television for thirteen weeks and

I gave Hattie a hundred and fifty dollars. A show I was

in flopped in November, and since then it has been

television crumbs. Two weeks ago I gave her sixty

dollars. You figure it.”

“You’re a hundred and eighty dollars short. Mr.


Paul Hannah was looking determined. “I’m not tak-

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ing any dare,” he blurted. “You may think your ques-

tion applies, but I don’t. You say you know one of us

killed Tammy Baxter, but I don’t believe it. I know

damn well I didn’t. You don’t kill someone without a

reason, and what was it? She had only been there three

weeks and we barely knew her. The knife doesn’t prove

anything. Whoever killed her got in the house some-

how, and if he was in the house he could have got the

knife. I’m not taking any dare.”

Wolfe shook his head. “Your spunk is impressive, Mr.

Hannah, but it bounces off. If you are innocent the

question whether you’ll take a dare doesn’t arise; the

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Categories: Stout, Rex