Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout

had merely a surmise. Talking with these people last

evening, I got nothing but faint intimations. Miss Kirk?

Unlikely. She attended a ballet school regularly, she

exercised an hour every morning, and she received a

monthly remittance from her father, all of which could

be checked. Mr. Dell? Also unlikely. He had paid no

room rent for three years. Mr. Ferris? Possibly, but

with a reservation. His statement that two of the agen-

cies he called at yesterday would corroborate him made

it improbable that he had followed Miss Annis here

yesterday morning.”

“So what?” Cramer rasped.

“So my attention centered on Mr. Hannah. He had

lived there only four months. He had paid for his room

every week. He had almost certainly lied when he said

Miss Baxter had told him that a man had twice followed

her to the door. Miss Baxter was an agent of the Secret

Service of the Treasury Department, and she—”

“Who said so?” Leach demanded.

“No one. Mr. Goodwin inferred it. You have carried

discretion to an extreme, Mr. Leach, in concealing the

interest of your organization in the occupants of that

house, but you will soon agree that it is no longer

needed. So I did not believe that Miss Baxter had told

Mr. Hannah that. Finally, Mr. Hannah’s account of his

movements yesterday left him completely free up to

noon. He could have followed Miss Annis here and,

when she left without entering, back to her house. He

could have stolen a parked car and, when she left her

Rex Stout

house a second time, tried to run it over her; but, since

he failed, that is of little consequence.”

“There’s damn little consequence in anything you’ve

said,” Cramer growled.

Wolfe nodded. “I’m only explaining why my atten-

tion centered on Mr. Hannah. I could indulge in

speculation—for instance, why did he kill Miss Baxter

there and then? Had she seen him try to kill Miss Annis

with the car, and confronted him when he returned to

the house? But you can speculate as well as I, and it will

be your job, not mine, to screw a confession out of him.”

“I’ve got nothing to confess,” Hannah said. “You’re

going to regret this. You’re going to regret it good.”

“I think not, Mr. Hannah.” Wolfe’s eyes went to

Leach, standing, and then to Cramer, sitting. “So when

I sent three men to those addresses, with the invita-

tions to luck, I sent Saul Panzer to the Mushroom. Mr.

Panzer leaves less to luck than any man I know. He

phoned four times to report progress. The third time,

around three o’clock, he asked for reinforcements and I

sent them. The fourth time, less than two hours ago, I

told him to come and I phoned you gentlemen. Saul, will

you describe the situation?”

Since Saul was over by the big globe, all but Wolfe

and Stebbins and me had to twist their necks. “Just the

situation?” Saul asked.

“Lead up to it briefly.”

“Yes, sir. The first two hours I covered the neighbor-

hood, but got no lead, so I went inside the building. I

didn’t tell the superintendent what I was after, just

that I wanted to look around for something, and the

way he reacted and the way he accepted forty dollars

for his trouble, I decided he was honest. He showed me

around the theater and the basement and the second

floor. The third floor is occupied by a job-printing shop

with two presses and the other equipment you would

expect. He told the two men there what I had sug-

gested, that I was an insurance underwriters’ inspector

looking for violations. From the way the men looked I

decided I was hot, and I told the superintendent I

The Homicide Trinity 203

would have to give the shop a good look and it would

take a while, and he left. When I started looking behind

things on shelves they jumped me and I had to get

rough and pull my gun. I didn’t shoot, but I had to knock

one of them out. There was a phone on a table, and I

rang you and asked you to send Fred and Orrie to help

me search the place. You said they would be calling in

soon, and you would—”

“That’s far enough,” Wolfe said. “And now?”

“They’re still there. In behind stacks of paper on one

of the shelves there are eight stacks of new twenty-

dollar bills. In a compartment in the back of a cupboard

are four engraver’s plates that were probably used to

make the bills. The two men are on the floor with their

hands and feet tied. I don’t know their names. There’s

only one chair in the room and Fred Durkin is sitting on

it, or he was when I left, and Orrie Gather was sitting on

a pile of paper. One of the men has a lump on the side of

his head where I hit him with my gun, but he’s not hurt

much. I gave the superintendent another twenty dol-

lars. That’s the situation.”

Paul Hannah had started to rise, but hands on his

shoulders had stopped him—Stebbins on the left and

Leach on the right.

“You might add one detail,” Wolfe told Saul. “The

name one of them mentioned.”

“Yes, sir. That was after Fred and Orrie came and we

had them tied and we found the plates. One of them said

to the other one, ‘I told you Paul would squeal. The

goddamn murderous bastard. I told you we ought to

clear out.’ Do you want to hear the rest of it?”

“That will do for now. You will of course report in full

to Mr. Cramer and Mr. Leach.” Wolfe’s head moved.

“As you see, gentlemen, I was faced with a dilemma,

since he was both a counterfeiter and a murderer. Pre-

ferring not to choose, I asked you both to come, and I

leave the question of priority to you. Since Mr. Cramer

has him under arrest—”

The movement that interrupted him was by Paul

Hannah, but it wasn’t much of a movement. Apparently

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his idea was to lunge at Wolfe, but Stebbins and Leach

had him pinned. They glared at each other and Hannah

glared at Wolfe, and Hattie Annis’s voice came from the


“You see, Falstaff? Didn’t I tell you?”

She had told him absolutely nothing.

Chapter 9

One day three weeks later Wolfe and I were in the

office disagreeing about something when the

doorbell rang. It was Hattie. I escorted her in,

and she sat in the red leather chair, opened her hand-

bag, and took out a little package wrapped in brown

paper. Wolfe made a face. I thought, Good Lord, she’s

found another one. But she reached into the bag again

and came out with an envelope that I recognized.

“This check you sent me,” she said. “You say in your

letter it’s for my share of the reward, a hundred dollars.

So you kept your share?”

“Yes,” Wolfe lied.

“Did you get yours, Buster?”

“Yes,” I lied.

“Then that’s all right. But what about this bill? Five

thousand dollars fee for services and $621.65 for ex-

penses. What did I tell you that day, Buster? Didn’t I

say I could pay forty-two thousand dollars?”

“You did.”

“Then here it is.” She tossed the package onto

Wolfe’s desk. “A man at the bank helped me pick those

bonds and he says there’s none better. These are trans-

ferred to you. This is the first time I ever let any of them

go, and I hope it’s the last, but it was worth it. That was

a day, the best day I’ve had since my father died. I

didn’t like it when I saw in the paper that he had

The Homicide Trinity 205

confessed, but that wasn’t your fault. I’ve got no use for

anybody that confesses anything to the cops. That Paul

Hannah was no good. He even told them how he stole

the car and tried to kill me with it because he thought I

had the package and knew who put it in my parlor, and

he saw Tammy across the street and knew she saw him,

and when he went back to the house she was at the

phone dialing a number and he got the knife from the

kitchen, and when he got near her and she stood up he

stabbed her, and then he carried her in the parlor and

left her there with her skirt up to her waist. He was no

good. I’ll have to be more careful about people that

want a room.”

Wolfe was frowning. “I can’t accept those bonds,

mad—Miss Annis. Not all of them. I prefer to evaluate

my services myself. I did so and sent you a bill.”

She nodded. “I tore it up. The day I told Buster that,

that settled it. I hired you and I said what I could pay.

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Categories: Stout, Rex