Hornblower in the West Indies. C. S. Forester

“We can be sure she’s carrying a full cargo,” he said.

Fell was still endeavouring to improve Clorinda’s sailing qualities.

“Mr Sefton! Set the hands to work carrying shot up to wind’ard.”

“She’s altering course!” Half a dozen voices made the announcement at the same moment.

“Belay that order, Mr Sefton!”

Fell’s telescope, like all the others, was trained on the Estrella. She had put her helm up a little, and was boldly turning to cross Clorinda’s bows.

“Damned insolence!” exclaimed Fell.

Everyone watched anxiously as the two ships proceeded headlong on converging courses.

“She’ll pass us out of range,” decided Gerard; the certainty became more apparent with every second of delay.

“Hands to the braces!” roared Fell. “Quartermaster! Starboard your helm! Handsomely! Handsomely! Steady as you go!”

“Two points off the wind,” said Hornblower. “We stand more chance now.”

Clorinda’s bows were now pointed to intercept the Estrella at a far distant point, several miles ahead. Moreover, lying a little off the wind as both ships now were, it seemed probable that Estrella’s fore-and-aft rig and fine lines might not convey so great an advantage.

“Take a bearing, Gerard,” ordered Hornblower.

Gerard went to the binnacle and read the bearing carefully.

“My impression,” said Spendlove, gazing over the blue, blue water, “is that she’s still fore-reaching on us.”

“If that’s the case,” said Hornblower, “then all we can hope for is that she carries something away.”

“We can at least hope for it, My Lord,” said Spendlove. The glance he directed upwards was indicative of his fear that it would be the Clorinda whose gear would give way. Clorinda now had wind and sea very nearly abeam. She was lying over very steeply under every inch of canvas she could carry, and lifting unwillingly to the seas which came rolling in upon her, swirling in through her open gun-ports. Hornblower realised that he had not a dry stitch of clothing on him, and probably no one else on board had, either.

“My Lord,” said Gerard, “you’ve had no breakfast as yet.”

Hornblower tried to conceal the discomfiture he felt at this reminder. He had forgotten all about breakfast, despite the cheerful anticipation with which he had once been looking forward to it.

“Quite right, Mr Gerard,” he said, jocular, but only clumsily so, thanks to being taken by surprise. “And what of it?”

“It’s my duty to remind you, My Lord,” said Gerard. “Her Ladyship -”

“Her Ladyship told you to see that I took my meals regularly,” replied Hornblower. “I am aware of that. But Her Ladyship, owing to her inexperience, made no allowance for encounters with fast-sailing slavers just at mealtimes.”

“But can’t I persuade you, My Lord?”

The thought of breakfast, now that it had been reimplanted in his mind, was more attractive than ever. But it was hard to go below with a pursuit being so hotly conducted.

“Take that bearing again before I decide,” he temporised.

Gerard walked to the binnacle again.

“Bearing’s opening steadily, My Lord,” he reported. “She must be drawing ahead fast.”

“Clearly so,” said Spendlove, telescope trained out towards the Estrella. “And it looks – it looks as if she’s hauling in on her sheets. Maybe -”

Hornblower had whipped his telescope to his eye on the instant.

“She’s gibing over!” he pronounced. “See how she comes round, by George!”

Estrella must have a bold captain and a well-trained crew. They had hauled in on her sheets and had stood ready at her topsail braces. Then, with the helm hard over, she had spun round on her heel. Her whole beautiful profile was now presented to Hornblower’s telescope. She was headed to cross Clorinda’s bows from starboard to port, and not too far ahead, either.

“Damned insolence!” said Hornblower, but full of admiration for the daring and skill displayed.

Fell was standing close by, staring at the impertinent schooner. He was rigid, even though the wind was flapping his coat-tails round him. For a few seconds it seemed as if the two vessels were heading towards a common point, where they must meet. But the impression soon passed. Even without taking a compass bearing it became apparent that Estrella must pass comfortably ahead of the frigate.

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Categories: C S Forester