amaut: (ah-MAUT) man, woman; people.

bnesych: (b’NAY-sikK) director; karsh- head at colony’s foundation.

chaju: (CHAH-ju) a musky, potent liquor.

geshe: (GESSH-eh) a stringed instrument.

habish: (hah-BEESH) all-night bar and sidewalk cafe, featuring music, singing, dancing, and chaju.

habishaap: (hah-beesh-APPPH) keeper of a habish.

karsh, karshatu: (kahrssh) basic family unit of the amaut, taking its name from the founder, either male or female, who acquired land and began the family line. Without land there is no karsh save the one of ancestry. Possessing land entitles one to found a karsh of a size commensurate with the productive capacity of the land.

Kesuat: (KEZ-wat) the Sun; home star of the amaut

rekeb: (REK-ebp) a sistrum-like musical instrument.

shakhshoph: (sshak-SHOPPH) lit: hiding-face. Politeness to hide true feelings from outsiders.

sushai: (ssu-SHAI) from sus, Shade. A word of greeting.



The iduve were the most advanced spacefaring race in the galaxy. They travelled where they pleased in giant city-sized vessels, engrossed with their own affairs. The iduve were humanoids—with a difference: they were predators incapable of human emotions.

Aiela was a world-survey officer who found himself abducted to serve the iduve clanship Ashanome. Forcibly mind-linked with two other humans, life became for him wholly intended for dedication to the service of his captors.

But events involving a human world that had become prey to the Ashanome were to bring out contradictions and confrontations that make the story of this man and his captor-master, the Hunter of Worlds, a truly powerful science fiction novel.

C.J. Cherryh is a winner of the Hugo award and the.the John W. Campbell award. Hunter of Worlds was a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club

The End

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J