In the Heart of Darkness by Eric Flint & David Drake

The slave stroked the horse’s neck. “Those are dangerous thoughts, master. Outside of their sorcerous weapons, and their vast armies, the Malwa have no resource so valuable to them as the skill of Rana Sanga on the battlefield. But I believe they fear that resource as much as they treasure it.”

“Do they have reason to fear him?” asked Belisarius.

Dadaji Holkar squinted into the distance where the Rajputs had disappeared.

“Hard to know, master. Raghunath Rao once said the day would come when Rana Sanga would choose between Rajputana’s honor and Rajputana’s duty. And that, when that day came, the truest of Rajputs would understand that only honor gives duty meaning.”

The Roman general scratched his chin. “I was not aware the two men knew each other.”

“Oh, yes. They fought once, in single combat. They were both young at the time, but already famous warriors. It is a well-known episode.”

Belisarius started slightly.

“I’m amazed either of them survived!”

The slave smiled.

“So were they! And everyone! But survive they did. Badly wounded, of course, both of them. Early in the fray, with his bow, Sanga slew the Maratha chieftain’s horse and then wounded Rao in the arm. But he became overconfident and closed too soon. Rao gutted the Rajput’s mount and then pressed him with sword and iron-clawed gauntlet. Here the combat was even, and they fought until both were bloody and disarmed. Then they fought by hand. No man in India beside Rana Sanga could have held his own against Raghunath Rao in unarmed combat. He was not as skilled, of course, but he was much larger and stronger. By the end of the day, both men were too weak and exhausted to lift an arm, or even stand. So they laid down side by side and continued their combat with words.”

Belisarius chuckled. “And who won?”

Holkar shrugged. “Who is to say? At sundown, they decided honor had been satisfied. So they called upon their followers to carry them away and tend their wounds, and the armies themselves never clashed. All the Rajputs and Marathas present felt the duel had been so glorious that any further combat would only sully the memory. As the years passed, both Rao and Sanga became famous commanders, although they never met on the field of battle again, neither as warriors nor as generals. But from that day forward, Raghunath Rao has always stated that there exists no greater archer in the world than Rana Sanga, and not more than four or five who are his equal with a sword. For his part, Sanga makes the equal claim for Rao’s clawed gauntlet and his fists, and swears he would rather fight a tiger with his own teeth than face Rao again on the field of philosophy.”

Belisarius’ chuckle became an outright laugh.

“What a marvelous tale! How much truth is there in it, do you think?”

Holkar’s face was solemn. “It is all true, master. Every word. I was at that battle, and helped bind Rao’s wounds myself.”

The Roman general stared down at his slave. Dadaji Holkar was a small man, middle-aged, grey-haired, and slightly built. In his appearance as well as his demeanor he seemed every inch the highly literate scribe that he had been before the Malwa enslaved him. Belisarius reminded himself that, for all his intellect, Dadaji Holkar was from Majarashtra. Majarashtra, the Great Country. A land of volcanic stone, harsh and unforgiving. The land of the Marathas, who, if they were not India’s most noble people, were certainly its most truculent.

“I do not doubt you, Dadaji,” he said softly. The Roman general’s large and powerful hand, for just an instant, caressed the slender shoulder of his Maratha slave. And the slave knew, in that moment, that his master was returning his own cherishment.

Holkar left abruptly then, leading Belisarius’ horse to its feeding trough. He squeezed his eyes, shutting back the tears. He shared his master’s tent, and had listened, night after night, while his master spoke softly to the divine presence in his mind. He knew, from those muttered words, that Belisarius had met Rao himself—had met Rao, not in this world, but in the world of a vision. In that world of vision, all of India had fallen under the Malwa talons, and Rome had eventually followed. In that world, Rao had failed to save Majarashtra and had become, through the strange workings of fate, the Maratha slave of the greatest of Roman generals.

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