me do creditable things in those ancient days; and several white-

headed engineers; and several roustabouts and mates; and several

deck-hands who used to heave the lead for me and send up on the

still night air the “six–feet–SCANT!” that made me shudder, and

the “M-a-r-k–twain!” that took the shudder away, and presently the

darling “By the d-e-e-p–four!” that lifted me to heaven for joy.

{1} They know about me, and can tell. And so do printers, from

St. Louis to New York; and so do newspaper reporters, from Nevada

to San Francisco. And so do the police. If Shakespeare had really

been celebrated, like me, Stratford could have told things about

him; and if my experience goes for anything, they’d have done it.


If I had under my superintendence a controversy appointed to decide

whether Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare or not, I believe I would

place before the debaters only the one question, WAS SHAKESPEARE

EVER A PRACTICING LAWYER? and leave everything else out.

It is maintained that the man who wrote the plays was not merely

myriad-minded, but also myriad-accomplished: that he not only knew

some thousands of things about human life in all its shades and

grades, and about the hundred arts and trades and crafts and

professions which men busy themselves in, but that he could TALK

about the men and their grades and trades accurately, making no

mistakes. Maybe it is so, but have the experts spoken, or is it

only Tom, Dick, and Harry? Does the exhibit stand upon wide, and

loose, and eloquent generalizing–which is not evidence, and not

proof–or upon details, particulars, statistics, illustrations,


Experts of unchallengeable authority have testified definitely as

to only one of Shakespeare’s multifarious craft-equipments, so far

as my recollections of Shakespeare-Bacon talk abide with me–his

law-equipment. I do not remember that Wellington or Napoleon ever

examined Shakespeare’s battles and sieges and strategies, and then

decided and established for good and all, that they were militarily

flawless; I do not remember that any Nelson, or Drake or Cook ever

examined his seamanship and said it showed profound and accurate

familiarity with that art; I don’t remember that any king or prince

or duke has ever testified that Shakespeare was letter-perfect in

his handling of royal court-manners and the talk and manners of

aristocracies; I don’t remember that any illustrious Latinist or

Grecian or Frenchman or Spaniard or Italian has proclaimed him a

past-master in those languages; I don’t remember–well, I don’t

remember that there is TESTIMONY–great testimony–imposing

testimony–unanswerable and unattackable testimony as to any of

Shakespeare’s hundred specialties, except one–the law.

Other things change, with time, and the student cannot trace back

with certainty the changes that various trades and their processes

and technicalities have undergone in the long stretch of a century

or two and find out what their processes and technicalities were in

those early days, but with the law it is different: it is mile-

stoned and documented all the way back, and the master of that

wonderful trade, that complex and intricate trade, that awe-

compelling trade, has competent ways of knowing whether

Shakespeare-law is good law or not; and whether his law-court

procedure is correct or not, and whether his legal shop-talk is the

shop-talk of a veteran practitioner or only a machine-made

counterfeit of it gathered from books and from occasional

loiterings in Westminster.

Richard H. Dana served two years before the mast, and had every

experience that falls to the lot of the sailor before the mast of

our day. His sailor-talk flows from his pen with the sure touch

and the ease and confidence of a person who has LIVED what he is

talking about, not gathered it from books and random listenings.

Hear him:

Having hove short, cast off the gaskets, and made the bunt of each

sail fast by the jigger, with a man on each yard, at the word the

whole canvas of the ship was loosed, and with the greatest rapidity

possible everything was sheeted home and hoisted up, the anchor

tripped and cat-headed, and the ship under headway.


The royal yards were all crossed at once, and royals and sky-sails

set, and, as we had the wind free, the booms were run out, and all

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