
But such are the methods of Stratfordian controversy. Tradition is

to be scouted when it is found inconvenient, but cited as

irrefragable truth when it suits the case. Shakespeare of

Stratford was the author of the Plays and Poems, but the author of

the Plays and Poems could not have been a butcher’s apprentice.

Away, therefore, with tradition. But the author of the Plays and

Poems must have had a very large and a very accurate knowledge of

the law. Therefore, Shakespeare of Stratford must have been an

attorney’s clerk! The method is simplicity itself. By similar

reasoning Shakespeare has been made a country schoolmaster, a

soldier, a physician, a printer, and a good many other things

beside, according to the inclination and the exigencies of the

commentator. It would not be in the least surprising to find that

he was studying Latin as a schoolmaster and law in an attorney’s

office at the same time.

However, we must do Mr. Collins the justice of saying that he has

fully recognized, what is indeed tolerably obvious, that

Shakespeare must have had a sound legal training. “It may, of

course, be urged,” he writes, “that Shakespeare’s knowledge of

medicine, and particularly that branch of it which related to

morbid psychology, is equally remarkable, and that no one has ever

contended that he was a physician. (Here Mr. Collins is wrong;

that contention also has been put forward.) It may be urged that

his acquaintance with the technicalities of other crafts and

callings, notably of marine and military affairs, was also

extraordinary, and yet no one has suspected him of being a sailor

or a soldier. (Wrong again. Why even Messrs. Garnett and Gosse

‘suspect’ that he was a soldier!) This may be conceded, but the

concession hardly furnishes an analogy. To these and all other

subjects he recurs occasionally, and in season, but with

reminiscences of the law his memory, as is abundantly clear, was

simply saturated. In season and out of season now in manifest, now

in recondite application, he presses it into the service of

expression and illustration. At least a third of his myriad

metaphors are derived from it. It would indeed be difficult to

find a single act in any of his dramas, nay, in some of them, a

single scene, the diction and imagery of which is not colored by

it. Much of his law may have been acquired from three books easily

accessible to him, namely Tottell’s Precedents (1572), Pulton’s

Statutes (1578), and Fraunce’s Lawier’s Logike (1588), works with

which he certainly seems to have been familiar; but much of it

could only have come from one who had an intimate acquaintance with

legal proceedings. We quite agree with Mr. Castle that

Shakespeare’s legal knowledge is not what could have been picked up

in an attorney’s office, but could only have been learned by an

actual attendance at the Courts, at a Pleader’s Chambers, and on

circuit, or by associating intimately with members of the Bench and


This is excellent. But what is Mr. Collins’ explanation. “Perhaps

the simplest solution of the problem is to accept the hypothesis

that in early life he was in an attorney’s office (!), that he

there contracted a love for the law which never left him, that as a

young man in London, he continued to study or dabble in it for his

amusement, to stroll in leisure hours into the Courts, and to

frequent the society of lawyers. On no other supposition is it

possible to explain the attraction which the law evidently had for

him, and his minute and undeviating accuracy in a subject where no

layman who has indulged in such copious and ostentatious display of

legal technicalities has ever yet succeeded in keeping himself from


A lame conclusion. “No other supposition” indeed! Yes, there is

another, and a very obvious supposition, namely, that Shakespeare

was himself a lawyer, well versed in his trade, versed in all the

ways of the courts, and living in close intimacy with judges and

members of the Inns of Court.

One is, of course, thankful that Mr. Collins has appreciated the

fact that Shakespeare must have had a sound legal training, but I

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