straighten up and go ‘long, never tremble: or be alive again, and

dare me to the desert damnation can’t you keep away from that

greasy water? pull her down! snatch her! snatch her baldheaded!

with thy sword; if trembling I inhabit then, lay in the leads!–no,

only the starboard one, leave the other alone, protest me the baby

of a girl. Hence horrible shadow! eight bells–that watchman’s

asleep again, I reckon, go down and call Brown yourself, unreal

mockery, hence!”

He certainly was a good reader, and splendidly thrilling and stormy

and tragic, but it was a damage to me, because I have never since

been able to read Shakespeare in a calm and sane way. I cannot rid

it of his explosive interlardings, they break in everywhere with

their irrelevant “What in hell are you up to NOW! pull her down!

more! MORE!–there now, steady as you go,” and the other

disorganizing interruptions that were always leaping from his

mouth. When I read Shakespeare now, I can hear them as plainly as

I did in that long-departed time–fifty-one years ago. I never

regarded Ealer’s readings as educational. Indeed they were a

detriment to me.

His contributions to the text seldom improved it, but barring that

detail he was a good reader, I can say that much for him. He did

not use the book, and did not need to; he knew his Shakespeare as

well as Euclid ever knew his multiplication table.

Did he have something to say–this Shakespeare-adoring Mississippi

pilot–anent Delia Bacon’s book? Yes. And he said it; said it all

the time, for months–in the morning watch, the middle watch, the

dog watch; and probably kept it going in his sleep. He bought the

literature of the dispute as fast as it appeared, and we discussed

it all through thirteen hundred miles of river four times traversed

in every thirty-five days–the time required by that swift boat to

achieve two round trips. We discussed, and discussed, and

discussed, and disputed and disputed and disputed; at any rate he

did, and I got in a word now and then when he slipped a cog and

there was a vacancy. He did his arguing with heat, with energy,

with violence; and I did mine with the reserve and moderation of a

subordinate who does not like to be flung out of a pilot-house that

is perched forty feet above the water. He was fiercely loyal to

Shakespeare and cordially scornful of Bacon and of all the

pretensions of the Baconians. So was I–at first. And at first he

was glad that that was my attitude. There were even indications

that he admired it; indications dimmed, it is true, by the distance

that lay between the lofty boss-pilotical altitude and my lowly

one, yet perceptible to me; perceptible, and translatable into a

compliment–compliment coming down from above the snow-line and not

well thawed in the transit, and not likely to set anything afire,

not even a cub-pilot’s self-conceit; still a detectable compliment,

and precious.

Naturally it flattered me into being more loyal to Shakespeare–if

possible–than I was before, and more prejudiced against Bacon–if

possible than I was before. And so we discussed and discussed,

both on the same side, and were happy. For a while. Only for a

while. Only for a very little while, a very, very, very little

while. Then the atmosphere began to change; began to cool off.

A brighter person would have seen what the trouble was, earlier

than I did, perhaps, but I saw it early enough for all practical

purposes. You see, he was of an argumentative disposition.

Therefore it took him but a little time to get tired of arguing

with a person who agreed with everything he said and consequently

never furnished him a provocative to flare up and show what he

could do when it came to clear, cold, hard, rose-cut, hundred-

faceted, diamond-flashing reasoning. That was his name for it. It

has been applied since, with complacency, as many as several times,

in the Bacon-Shakespeare scuffle. On the Shakespeare side.

Then the thing happened which has happened to more persons than to

me when principle and personal interest found themselves in

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