to mush in it. Was there any doubt as to who had made that mighty

trail? Were there a dozen claimants? Were there two? No–the

people knew who it was that had been along there: there was only

one Hercules.

There has been only one Shakespeare. There couldn’t be two;

certainly there couldn’t be two at the same time. It takes ages to

bring forth a Shakespeare, and some more ages to match him. This

one was not matched before his time; nor during his time; and

hasn’t been matched since. The prospect of matching him in our

time is not bright.

The Baconians claim that the Stratford Shakespeare was not

qualified to write the Works, and that Francis Bacon was. They

claim that Bacon possessed the stupendous equipment–both natural

and acquired–for the miracle; and that no other Englishman of his

day possessed the like; or, indeed, anything closely approaching


Macaulay, in his Essay, has much to say about the splendor and

horizonless magnitude of that equipment. Also, he has synopsized

Bacon’s history: a thing which cannot be done for the Stratford

Shakespeare, for he hasn’t any history to synopsize. Bacon’s

history is open to the world, from his boyhood to his death in old

age–a history consisting of known facts, displayed in minute and

multitudinous detail; FACTS, not guesses and conjectures and might-


Whereby it appears that he was born of a race of statesmen, and had

a Lord Chancellor for his father, and a mother who was

“distinguished both as a linguist and a theologian: she

corresponded in Greek with Bishop Jewell, and translated his

Apologia from the Latin so correctly that neither he nor Archbishop

Parker could suggest a single alteration.” It is the atmosphere we

are reared in that determines how our inclinations and aspirations

shall tend. The atmosphere furnished by the parents to the son in

this present case was an atmosphere saturated with learning; with

thinkings and ponderings upon deep subjects; and with polite

culture. It had its natural effect. Shakespeare of Stratford was

reared in a house which had no use for books, since its owners, his

parents, were without education. This may have had an effect upon

the son, but we do not know, because we have no history of him of

an informing sort. There were but few books anywhere, in that day,

and only the well-to-do and highly educated possessed them, they

being almost confined to the dead languages. “All the valuable

books then extant in all the vernacular dialects of Europe would

hardly have filled a single shelf”–imagine it! The few existing

books were in the Latin tongue mainly. “A person who was ignorant

of it was shut out from all acquaintance–not merely with Cicero

and Virgil, but with the most interesting memoirs, state papers,

and pamphlets of his own time”–a literature necessary to the

Stratford lad, for his fictitious reputation’s sake, since the

writer of his Works would begin to use it wholesale and in a most

masterly way before the lad was hardly more than out of his teens

and into his twenties.

At fifteen Bacon was sent to the university, and he spent three

years there. Thence he went to Paris in the train of the English

Ambassador, and there he mingled daily with the wise, the cultured,

the great, and the aristocracy of fashion, during another three

years. A total of six years spent at the sources of knowledge;

knowledge both of books and of men. The three spent at the

university were coeval with the second and last three spent by the

little Stratford lad at Stratford school supposedly, and

perhapsedly, and maybe, and by inference–with nothing to infer

from. The second three of the Baconian six were “presumably” spent

by the Stratford lad as apprentice to a butcher. That is, the

thugs presume it–on no evidence of any kind. Which is their way,

when they want a historical fact. Fact and presumption are, for

business purposes, all the same to them. They know the difference,

but they also know how to blink it. They know, too, that while in

history-building a fact is better than a presumption, it doesn’t

take a presumption long to bloom into a fact when THEY have the

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