foolish, and self-conceited, and insolent, and impudent and

dictatorial word in the language. And people will say, “Whose

business is it, what gods I worship and what things hold sacred?

Who has the right to dictate to my conscience, and where did he get

that right?”

We cannot afford to let that calamity come upon us. We must save

the word from this destruction. There is but one way to do it, and

that is, to stop the spread of the privilege, and strictly confine

it to its present limits: that is, to all the Christian sects, to

all the Hindu sects, and me. We do not need any more, the stock is

watered enough, just as it is.

It would be better if the privilege were limited to me alone. I

think so because I am the only sect that knows how to employ it

gently, kindly, charitably, dispassionately. The other sects lack

the quality of self-restraint. The Catholic Church says the most

irreverent things about matters which are sacred to the

Protestants, and the Protestant Church retorts in kind about the

confessional and other matters which Catholics hold sacred; then

both of these irreverencers turn upon Thomas Paine and charge HIM

with irreverence. This is all unfortunate, because it makes it

difficult for students equipped with only a low grade of mentality

to find out what Irreverence really IS.

It will surely be much better all around if the privilege of

regulating the irreverent and keeping them in order shall

eventually be withdrawn from all the sects but me. Then there will

be no more quarrelling, no more bandying of disrespectful epithets,

no more heart burnings.

There will then be nothing sacred involved in this Bacon-

Shakespeare controversy except what is sacred to me. That will

simplify the whole matter, and trouble will cease. There will be

irreverence no longer, because I will not allow it. The first time

those criminals charge me with irreverence for calling their

Stratford myth an Arthur-Orton-Mary-Baker-Thompson-Eddy-Louis-the-

Seventeenth-Veiled-Prophet-of-Khorassan will be the last. Taught

by the methods found effective in extinguishing earlier offenders

by the Inquisition, of holy memory, I shall know how to quiet them.


Isn’t it odd, when you think of it: that you may list all the

celebrated Englishmen, Irishmen, and Scotchmen of modern times,

clear back to the first Tudors–a list containing five hundred

names, shall we say?–and you can go to the histories, biographies

and cyclopedias and learn the particulars of the lives of every one

of them. Every one of them except one–the most famous, the most

renowned–by far the most illustrious of them all–Shakespeare!

You can get the details of the lives of all the celebrated

ecclesiastics in the list; all the celebrated tragedians,

comedians, singers, dancers, orators, judges, lawyers, poets,

dramatists, historians, biographers, editors, inventors, reformers,

statesmen, generals, admirals, discoverers, prize-fighters,

murderers, pirates, conspirators, horse-jockeys, bunco-steerers,

misers, swindlers, explorers, adventurers by land and sea, bankers,

financiers, astronomers, naturalists, Claimants, impostors,

chemists, biologists, geologists, philologists, college presidents

and professors, architects, engineers, painters, sculptors,

politicians, agitators, rebels, revolutionists, patriots,

demagogues, clowns, cooks, freaks, philosophers, burglars,

highwaymen, journalists, physicians, surgeons–you can get the

life-histories of all of them but ONE. Just one–the most

extraordinary and the most celebrated of them all–Shakespeare!

You may add to the list the thousand celebrated persons furnished

by the rest of Christendom in the past four centuries, and you can

find out the life-histories of all those people, too. You will

then have listed 1500 celebrities, and you can trace the authentic

life-histories of the whole of them. Save one–far and away the

most colossal prodigy of the entire accumulation–Shakespeare!

About him you can find out NOTHING. Nothing of even the slightest

importance. Nothing worth the trouble of stowing away in your

memory. Nothing that even remotely indicates that he was ever

anything more than a distinctly common-place person–a manager, an

actor of inferior grade, a small trader in a small village that did

not regard him as a person of any consequence, and had forgotten

all about him before he was fairly cold in his grave. We can go to

the records and find out the life-history of every renowned RACE-

HORSE of modern times–but not Shakespeare’s! There are many

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