Jack Higgins – Confessional

She managed a smile. ‘You mean, did anyone try to pick me up? No such luck. Considering its reputation, Paris can be very disappointing.’ She stubbed out the cigarette. ‘Look, what’s going on, Nikolai? Can’t you tell me?’

Belov had no reason to disbelieve her. In fact he very much wanted to. He had, in effect, been absent from duty the night before. If he had not been, he would have received Maslovsky’s directive then and Tanya Voroninova would not have been allowed to stir from her suite at the Ritz that morning. Certainly not unaccompanied.

The door opened and Irana entered. ‘General Maslovsky on line one.’

Belov picked up the phone and Tanya tried to snatch it. ‘Let me speak to him.’

Belov pulled away from her. ‘Belov here, General.’

‘Ah, Nikolai, she is with you now?’

‘Yes, General.’ It was a measure of the length of their friendship that Belov missed out the Comrade.

‘And she is under guard? She has spoken to no one?’

‘Yes to both questions, General.’

‘And the man Devlin has not attempted to get in touch with her?’

‘It would seem not. We’ve had the computer pull him out of the files for us. Pictures, everything. If he tries to get close, we’ll know.’

‘Fine. Now give me Tanya.’

Belov handed her the phone and she almost snatched it from him. ‘Papa?’

She had called him so for years and his voice was warm and kindly as always. ‘You are well?’

‘Bewildered,’ she said. ‘No one will tell me what is happening.’

‘It is sufficient for you to know that for reasons which are unimportant now, you have become involved in a matter of state security. A very serious business indeed. You must be returned to Moscow as soon as may be.’

‘But my tour?’

The voice of the man at the other end of the line was suddenly cold, implacable and detached. ‘Will be cancelled. You will appear at the Conservatoire tonight and fulfil that obligation. The first direct flight to Moscow is not until tomorrow morning anyway. There will be a suitable press

release. The old wrist injury giving problems again. A need for further treatment. That should’do nicely.’

All her life, or so it seemed, she had done his bidding, allowed him to shape her career, aware of his genuine concern and love, but this was new territory.

She tried again, ‘But Papa!’

‘Enough of argument. You will do as you are told and you will obey Colonel Belov in everything. Put him back on.’

She handed the phone to Belov mutely, hand shaking. Never had he spoken to her like this. Was she no longer his daughter? Simply another Soviet citizen to be ordered about at will?

‘Belov, General.’ He listened for a moment or two then nodded. ‘No problem. You can rely on me.’

He put the phone down and opened a file on his desk. The photo he took from it and held up to her was of Liam Devlin, a few years younger perhaps, but Devlin unmistakably.

‘This man is Irish. His name is Liam Devlin. He is a university professor from Dublin with a reputation for a certain Irish charm. It would be a mistake for anyone to take him lightly. He has been a member of the Irish Republican Army for all his adult life. An important leader at one stage. He is also a ruthless and capable gunman who has killed many times. As a young man, he was an official executioner for his people.’

Tanya took a deep breath. ‘And what has he to do with me?’

‘That need not concern you. It is sufficient for you to know that he would very much like to talk to you andthat we simply can’t allow, can we Captain?’

Turkin showed no emotion. ‘No, Colonel.’

‘So,’ Belov told her, ‘you will return to the Ritz now, you and Comrade Rubenova with Lieutenant Shepilov and Captain Turkin in attendance. You will not go out again until tonight’s performance when they will escort you to the Conservatoire. I will be there myself because of the reception afterwards. The Ambassador will be there and the President of the Republic Monsieur Mitterand, himself. His presence

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Categories: Higgins, Jack