James Axler – Amazon Gate

Jak was only aware that he was standing and staring at her when she holstered the blaster in the small of her back, arching her hips for ease. She smiled, slow and easy, with a lopsided grin.

“I know I’m beautiful, sweets, but looking at me like that is liable to get you chilled one day…just like it nearly did.”

Jak looked away. She didn’t seem to recognize him—why should she?—but he was confused by her turning up in such a manner. Even more bewildering, did this mean that they would somehow come across the Illuminated Ones? They knew that the secret group, who still seemed to survive in some underground form, had been based toward the northwest of the Deathlands. Had that been part of the meaning of his doomie dream?

He was unable to ponder that, as the flame-haired warrior woman took several steps away and then turned. Glancing around, he could see that all the Amazon women had moved away from his companions.

Ryan also noticed that and said, “Thanks for the assist. We were in serious trouble, there. Mebbe we should all introduce ourselves.” He held his hands well away from his weapons as he spoke, only too aware that he wouldn’t have the time to draw.

Seemingly ignoring him, the warrior woman turned to her tribe, yelling, “Eh-la, eh-la,” in a singsong tone.

It was a signal that the other women took immediately. All drew their blasters, training them on the group in the middle. Glancing around like his companions, Jak could see that the women surrounded them, standing among the slaughtered stickies.

“Told you,” the blonde said to Doc with a smile that was almost as white as his had been earlier, and almost as cold.

“Shut it, Margia,” the flame-haired warrior woman snapped, before returning her attention to Ryan. “Now then, honey, I think it mebbe would be nice if you told us just a little bit about yourselves, before we have to chill you.”

Chapter Five

Ryan shot a glance across the line. At the far end, J.B. was frozen in a half-inclined attitude, his eyes fixed on the Amazons directly in front of him. They were both holding handblasters. The smaller woman with wiry blond hair had a 9 mm Hi-Point Comp blaster with four-inch barrel and 10-round mag with muzzle-break compensator. The taller of the two, who had long, curling auburn hair and was younger than most of her compatriots, clutched a 9 mm Kahr Mk 9 7-round pistol with a three-inch barrel.

The Armorer took in the condition of the blasters and the manner in which the Amazons were holding them. He slowly and carefully turned his head toward Ryan, and almost imperceptibly indicated with a shake that he believed the women to be well equipped and too good to take on from their current position. The sinking sun glinted off the wire frames of his spectacles as he confirmed for the one-eyed man all that he had suspected.

The exchange was noted by Doc, Dean, Krysty and Mildred, all aware that the new arrivals currently had the upper hand but willing to follow Ryan’s word if he decided to attempt resistance. Jak alone didn’t notice the exchange, as his gaze was still on the Amazon leader.

But if Jak didn’t notice it, others did.

“I’d follow what Four-eyes there says,” murmured the blonde who had been addressed as Margia, her voice loud in the sudden silence. “I look after the blasters, and I can assure you that anyone who doesn’t take the best care of their own personal store gets fucked hard.”

“I believe you…and I admire your dedication,” J.B. said quietly to her, touching his fedora.

The blonde smiled smugly. “Thank you, sweetie.”

The red-haired Amazon leader sighed. “Shut it, Margia…you’re too easily taken in by this shit—and don’t you dare fucking say it isn’t,” she added, noticing that J.B. was about to speak. She continued, “I’ve been friendly about this so far, but I may not be much longer.”

“You call this friendly?” Mildred questioned with a raised eyebrow.

The Amazon leader smiled her lopsided grin. “I didn’t let the bastard stickies get you, did I? And I haven’t blasted you to hell…yet.”

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