James Axler – Circle Thrice

“A stoning.”

“Stoning!” Mildred was unable to hide her shock and horror. And disgust. “That is unbelievably barbaric! If he has to be chilled, why not just put a bullet through the back of the poor bastard’s neck. But to throw stones at him”

“Barbaric, possibly, Dr. Wyeth. Even a little biblical as a form of killing. But everyone who betrays the countess knows that this is the fate that awaits them. This is, I believe, the first stoning of a traitor for more than three years, so you can appreciate that it is passing effective.”

Krysty nudged Ryan. “Here she is,” she whispered, “come to enjoy her afternoon.”

The countess stalked toward them like a feral cat, elegant and in total control. She was wearing a golden ribbon, tying back her hair, and a deep purple pant-suit in rich velvet. Her boots were midcalf, in lilac leather, with stiletto heels. She had an escort of six of the younger sec men.

She stood over to the right, favoring her guests with a frosty bow.

“We may begin, Straub,” she called.

“Excellency.” He clapped his hands. “Bring out Sergeant Gummer.”

The prisoner looked to be about thirty-five, powerfully built. He had been stripped naked, wearing only a ragged linen breechcloth that hardly covered his loins. He was barefoot. His hands were tied tightly behind his back, blood seeping around his nails from the pressure. His face was pale, and he stumbled between the two sec men who were almost holding him up, leading him to stand, swaying from side to side, at the bottom of the cliff, about twenty paces from the nearest of his fellows.

Mildred tugged at Straub’s black clad arm. “You can ease him,” she said. “Use your mesmeric toy to help him through the worst of the pain.”

“I can,” Straub agreed.

“Ask the countess,” she urged him.

“She would listen to Ryan Cawdor.”

Mildred turned. “Ask her if Straub can use his cunning to hypnotize the poor bastard.”

“She won’t listen to me.”

Straub shook his head. “Oh, but she might. Katya has not given up hope of bending you to her will.”

Ryan didn’t hesitate. “Countess, why not show that justice can be tempered by mercy? Allow Straub to use his skills to ease the man’s suffering. He will still die and be punished for his foolishness and treachery.”

Katya looked at him, a half smile playing around her lips. “Why not?” she said finally. “Do it Straub, but make it fast. I am getting bored. And stop that incessant drumming!”

The drum fell silent as Straub moved forward to stand in front of Gummer, holding up the silver disk. The wind was soughing through the pines, and the stream chattered over smooth pebbles. But everyone was silent, listening to what the mesmerist was saying.

“Felix Gummer, hark to my words, and watch this bauble as it spins in front of you. Focus your eyes on it, and give me your attention. Listen well.”

The disgraced sec sergeant stared blankly as the disk began to spin, faster and faster, sending lances of colored light across his face.

“There will be no pain, no pain. Your body will resist and your mind will control it. You will go down under the stones, but the suffering will end quickly. Do you understand?”

Gummer’s eyes were squeezed tight-shut, and his voice seemed to come from very far away. “I understand, Master Straub. I will do as you say.”

Countess Katya called across impatiently, “Enough. Straub, get back here and read the charge.”

The shaved-headed man did as he was bid, bowing low to her. “I hear and obey, lady.” He pulled a short scroll of parchment from one of his capacious pockets. “Felix Gummer, you have been found guilty of stealing from Countess Katya Beausoleil, whose bondsman you were in body and soul. This is construed as simple treachery with malice aforethought and is punishable by death by stoning from your fellow sec men. Your body will be buried in the grave that you dug yourself this morning, and no prayers will be said. Do you have any last words?”

The man nodded.

Ryan hadn’t seen the deep grave with the pile of raw earth a few yards to the left of where Gummer stood, gaping with a layer of gray clay, showing livid among the orange earth.

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