James Axler – Deathlands 27 – Ground Zero

“By the-!” he began, stopping himself at the instant realization that silence was vital in the middle of the sec patrolled ville.

“Sorry, Doc,” Ryan whispered, turning to J.B. and adding the unnecessary comment, “It’s Doc.”

“So I see,” the Armorer replied. “You nearly gave him a new close haircut there, friend.”

“Said I was sorry. Didn’t expect to find you wandering around free, Doc. We thought that the baron must’ve made you and Jak and Emma prisoners.”

“Indeed he has. I should say that he did. No, that fails to meet the requirements of accuracy, as well.”

“Doc.” Ryan said warningly.

“Of course, Ryan, my tried and trusty comrade. Let me be as concise as I can. Joaquin appeared from the whirling center of the tornado and took the three of us prisoner. He had his men with him or we-”

“Sure you would, Doc,” J.B. said quietly. “Just get on with it, will you?”

“We were removed to a locked room, our guns taken from us. But they left me my sword and Jak his throwing knives. We agreed that we would-”

“Blood,” Ryan said.

“What? Where?”

“On the blade of your rapier, Doc.” He pointed to the drying smear of crimson. “Kind of fresh, too.”

The old man sniffed, shaking his head. “I fear that your sight is all too good. But I put the cart before the horse. We agreed that as the oldest and most foolish they would guard me least. That was how Jak put it. The baron was all too interested in Emma’s mutie skills.”

“Where are they now?” J.B. asked.

“I have not yet reached the engorging of my reeking falchion. Though, if we are to be a trifle pedantic, my rapier can hardly be described as falcate since its blade is quite straight and true and shows not a curve. Anyway, I begged to be excused, and it was Joshua Morgan, the poor fellow, who finally agreed to accompany me to the jakes.”

“Jakes?” Ryan queried.

“Bathroom. There I am afraid that I killed him with a single thrust of my sword. Not something I shall ever look back upon with any pride. Only the shame of being struck a coward’s blow. It came with no warning, Ryan.”

“Did the right thing, Doc.” Ryan saw that the old man was genuinely distressed at what he saw as an act of willful murder. He put his arm across Doc’s shoulders. “I swear you did right. This isn’t the courts of King Edwin.”

“Arthur, was his name, Ryan.”

“Oh, you sure?”

“But, of course. Arthur Pendragon and the knights of the round table. Chivalry. A very parfait gentil knyght, as the poet Chaucer put it. You know that he wrote-”

“Dark night, Doc!”

“My apologies. Anyway, I have escaped after butchering poor Joshua Morgan. I have since been hiding and skulking around dark corners. There is no arras that has not enfolded me in its embrace. I attempted to return to our room. I was nearly caught on the way as I saw Mistress Tyler being escorted by Joaquin down to see the baron. I haven’t been able to get to the Le Mat and Jak’s cannon. They are by the dining room. If we can find those we could rescue Jak, could we not?”

Ryan nodded. “Sounds good to me. Get to the kid and then go after Emma.”

The Armorer shook his head slowly. “Don’t like the idea of leaving the young woman, but if we can spring Jak and all get out of here, I wonder if that might be enough. Let the rest lie where it falls.”

Doc swung around and pointed at J.B. with the blood-slick point of his rapier. “Shame on you, John Barrymore Dix,” he said loudly.

“Keep the noise down, Doc,” Ryan hissed.

“Sorry. But I cannot just ‘let it lie’ as our bespectacled companion puts it. The young woman is traveling the highway with us, and it would be grossly unchivalrous of us to desert her. The spirit of King Arthur would spin in his tomb if he heard you, John Dix.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Don’t tell Mildred I even suggested it. She’ll just give me hard time number one. But I agree about going up to get Jak first. How many sec guards on the door, Doc?”

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