James Axler – Deathlands 35 – Skydark

“I’ve waited for this moment for such a long time,” he told her. “I’ve never been with a female before. Not ever. I’ve saved myself, I’ve saved all my seed for you.”

With that, Kaa ungirded his loins, and his turgid member sprang up from its confinement. “For you,” he said, stroking himself to full erection. “All for you.”

His cock wasn’t only big, it was too big. And the

hairless scrotum beneath it looked bloated and swollen, and it was drawn up tight like the bag of an aroused bull.

He moved closer to her so she could touch it.

Krysty didn’t want to be anywhere near it, but she needed to buy some time. Though she tried, she couldn’t get her ringers all the way around it. And as she tried, she could feel the wire worms wiggling under the tightly stretched skin. She steeled herself to the task and caressed him once, from root to tip, then she said, “Wash first. Please.”

He stepped back at once. “Of course, I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ll do it now. I’ll be right back.”

The moment he shut the hallway door, she was up and running. When she tried the handle, she found it was locked.

“Krysty?” a voice on the other side said. “You in


“Jak! Get me out of here!”

“Can’t do it,” he said. “Door not open. No key out here. He be back any minute.”

Krysty closed her eyes and called on her Gaia power. As she emptied her mind, the Earth Mother force swept into her body, rilling her with incredible strength. She gripped the knob with both hands and turned it. It snapped off with a crack. Tossing the knob aside, she poked her finger into the hole and clicked over the latch. She had the door open in a flash. Strangely, using the power didn’t sap her strength.

“Back to the redoubt!” she said to Jak as she dashed past him.

They sprinted down the stairs and across the great hall’s entry room. They were out the door and down the path toward the steam shadow when they heard a voice boom from the mansion behind diem.

“Angelica! Angelica! Wait!”

Waiting was what they had no intention of doing.

It was a downhill run all the way to the redoubt’s entrance. The path was in better shape than most they’d seen. The asphalt was still intact, with no gaping holes to stumble on. Muggy clouds hung low over the road, shrouding the tropical trees, vines and flowers from the sun. Krysty’s and Jak’s backs and heads were instantly dripping with condensed moisture.

Neither one of them spoke as they ran, not wanting to waste their breath. They knew that Kaa would be close behind, and that he wouldn’t be pleased. When they came to the redoubt’s vanadium-steel entry doors, Jak punched in the entry code. The doors swung back and they entered. On the way past the inside control panel, he tapped in the close code. Then he raced to catch up with Krysty.

The ramp they followed zigzagged down to the top floor of the redoubt. Unlike the complex near Willie ville, it didn’t have a fleet of vehicles in cold storage. The upper floor was given over to rows of large crates and boxes, which were stacked to the ceiling in places. Krysty and Jak ran down an aisle between the rows, heading for the double doors of the redoubt’s elevators.

As they skidded to a stop in front of them, a bell chimed and the right-hand set of doors started to slide apart

“Go for it,” Jak shouted, prepared to throw himself at whoever was inside the car.

Krysty was ready, too, but when the doors opened she found herself looking into the face of her lover.

“Ryan! You’re alive!” she cried, throwing her arms

around him.

He hugged her briefly. “Sure am.”

“Good to see you safe, my dear boy,” Doc told the ruby-eyed teenager.

“Same here,” Jak said impatiently. “Hate rush things, Kaa two minutes behind.”

“Step in,” Ryan told him. When the boy got in the car, Ryan hit the Down button. The doors slid shut, and the elevator descended smoothly.

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