James Axler – Deathlands 43 – Dark Emblem

“What kind of problems?”

“No power. We’ve reached your rooms.”

Jamaisvous had taken them personally to an area in the fortress that had been remodeled at one time or another into a series of guest bedrooms. Each of the tidy sleeping chambers had a small night table made of the finest oak, a double bed with handmade comforter, ample closet space and a dresser smelling of sweet spices.

“I’ll leave you to choose your own rooms and sleeping arrangements,” their host said smoothly. “I apologize for the lack of bathrooms, but this fortress was not designed for the individual. The bath at the end of this hall has two stalls with bathing facilities and running hot and cold water. There are towels inside on the racks, and additional linens can be found in your rooms in the bottom drawers of the dressers. If you have clothing you’d like laundered, leave it outside your rooms and the maid shall see to it. Supper shall be at dusk. I’ll instruct the cooks to prepare a feast, as I haven’t entertained here in some time. You’re in for a treat-home cooking by a mother-and-daughter team. Fine cuisine.”

Jamaisvous stepped back a few paces, bowed deeply at the waist and was gone, leaving the group to make its own choices and go off into the designated rooms.

“Most curious,” Doc said, scratching his nape. The expression on his face was one of deep concentration. A few days’ growth of beard stubble added to his wan look as he pondered private thoughts.

“What’s up, Doc?” Ryan asked.

Mildred bit back a snort of laughter, earning a glare from Ryan. It wasn’t the first time she’d snickered when Ryan phrased concern for their elder statesman in a similar manner. “Wish I knew what was so damn funny, me asking Doc a question,” the one-eyed man muttered.

“Hmm? What is up, you say?” Doc said, Ryan’s query finally weighing in on his mind. ‘ ‘Oh, our benefactor. A most curious man.”

“Yeah, he’s not exactly what I expected to find when we jumped into this place. Or any place for that matter,” Ryan agreed. “Seems to have his shit together. So far he isn’t trying to breathe too hard down our necks.”

“Yeah, no sec men at all in this part of the fortress,” J.B. noted, switching his scattergun from one hand to another. “No cameras, either-unless they’re hidden. Has his own hired men, sure, but doesn’t seem to be as paranoid as most. And he keeps guards around the gateway control-room doors, but those are the only guns I’ve seen so far.”

Ryan reached out and tapped a finger on the barrel of the M-4000 scattergun J.B. held. “And he didn’t bring up the subject of our blasters. Usually, first thing out of any self-styled leader is the demand we turn over the hardware. Makes for a nice change.” “I believe there are probably additional sec men in and outside El Morro,” Krysty said. “There’s a funny…vibe to this place. I can’t put my finger on it yet.”

“We can talk about it later. Right now, I could use a bath. Jamaisvous was right-we’re all a bit ripe,” Mildred said as she started to approach the bathroom. “Krysty, you and I will go first-if it’s all right with the rest of you?”

“Sure, Mildred. Go ahead,” Ryan replied with a shrug. “We’ll keep watch out here. Jamaisvous isn’t the only one with a private sec man.”

“We’ll save some hot water for you…mebbe,” Krysty called back with a light chuckle.

“Might just join you,” Ryan retorted.

Mildred waggled a warning finger back. “Uh-uh. No, you don’t. Wait your turn.”

As the women disappeared behind the bathroom door at the end of the hallway, Dean took a moment to sniff at one of his armpits, lifting the arm high and craning his neck over to get a good whiff. “I smell worse than shit in sunshine,” the boy groused.

“What else new?” Jak retorted.

Ryan stepped away from the two boys and left them to hold their own debate over who smelled worse. He’d noticed that Doc was still turned slightly to one side from the others, his face far away as he concentrated on his own internal field of inquiry. “Something still on your mind, Doc?” he asked.

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