James Axler – Deathlands 43 – Dark Emblem

“So how do you know so much?” Mildred asked.

“Luckily, Dr. Wyeth, when I awoke, my mind was intact. Unlike yourself, there was no one waiting to assist in my adjustment. Still, I was and am, an intelligent man. I read, and in my research of the redoubt, I discovered many secrets within that cavernous hole. The curious case of Dr. Theophilus Algernon Tanner, for one. Secret codes, for another, which allowed me to travel from one sealed sector to another. And also, I discovered the existence of a second mat-trans unit-one close at hand, since I also read about my current home.”

“You’ve been in other redoubts?” Krysty asked.

“Briefly, yes. I didn’t linger.”

“Well, I’ve been hi more redoubts than I can count on my fingers and toes, and none had a book of operating instructions lying on the floor,” Ryan said. “Seems standard operating procedure called for carting out all sensitive data, and if it couldn’t be taken out manually, it was destroyed on the premises.”

Jamaisvous sighed. “Not here, Ryan. Not in the Puerto Rican redoubt. Here, files remained, and a most fascinating compact disc listing gateways and their locations, at least, all of the ones in the former United States and its close, personal allies.”

Ryan dwelled on the implications of what Jamais- vous was saying. Such a guide book could prove invaluable, allowing quick transport across the globe.

“Now, if you have any other concerns, please relate them.”

“You know anything about these goatsuckers that have been killing off livestock down in Old San Juan?”

Jamaisvous gave Ryan a look of amused disbelief. “You must be kidding me. The chupacabras myth? Legend, Ryan. The Puerto Ricans have been bothered by these blood-sucking monsters for years. Goats. Sheep. Pigs. Any and all small animals that end up dead under mysterious circumstances get blamed on the bad chupacabras.”

“More than some goats these days. They’ve started going for people.”


“It’s true,” Mildred said. “I’ve seen one of the bodies myself. Little girl.”

“I am sorry to hear of any loss of life, but what can I hope to do?”

“Something’s out there killing people,” Ryan said. “Since there seems to be a lack of experienced sec men in Old San Juan, or even men who know which is the proper business end of a blaster, I agreed to look into this matter at least. However, my signing on didn’t mean the rest of you have to follow suit. This isn’t anything to do with us-at least, not at this point.”

“I go where you go, Dad,” Dean said.

“Me too. I’m already climbing the walls of this gussied-up mausoleum. You know I hate standing still,” J.B. added.

“Me, too, lover,” Krysty added.

“I go. Something do,” Jak said. “Get bored here.”

Doc had been looking hesitant, but apparently came to a decision. “Ryan, I…I fear I must decline. I am needed to assist Dr. Jamaisvous in some delicate procedures.”

“No need to apologize, Doc. You’ve got your own road to follow.”

“I also have a request,” their host said. “I wish Dr. Wyeth to remain behind as well. According to Dr. Tanner, she also has a practical working theory of the mat-trans gateways. Plus, an experienced third hand could prove useful in reaching our eventual goal.”

“How about it, Mildred?” Ryan asked. “You want to hang back?”

The woman thought about it for a moment before replying. “I suppose. If it’ll help Doc.”

“Your presence will be invaluable,” Jamaisvous said.

“Okay, looks like it’s a trio,” she said.

“Tell you what, Silas. Since you’re taking two of my people, how about loaning me some of your sec crew in exchange?” Ryan asked.

Although he didn’t look pleased at the notion, Jamaisvous nodded curtly. “I can spare an extra set of hands, but only one. If this creature is indeed developing a taste for human blood, we shall need to be vigilant. El Morro is quite large-in this case, a minus rather than a plus. Luis will accompany you.”

“Good.” Ryan looked over the group of friends. “And I am sure the others in Old San Juan will see it as a neighborly gesture.”

“When are you leaving?”

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