James Axler – Deathlands

They were arranging the body of what looked like a small antelope on top of the block of stone, but they stopped at Ryan’s sudden appearance from the surrounding greenery. None of them made any effort to draw a weapon.

The one-eyed man had already hissed a warning to his companions, but the natives didn’t seem to present any major threat. He had the SIG-Sauer drawn, but didn’t open fire. The men were about fifty feet away from him, close enough for him to have felt confident in taking out all three.

Ryan led the way as the friends filed into the clearing, all with blasters drawn. The trio of locals watched, muttering at the sight of the red hair. Mildred’s dark coloring also seemed to fascinate them.

But total amazement was reserved for the last but one of the party.

Jak Lauren.

When the albino, with his shock of pure white hair, walked into view, the men were galvanized. They dropped the bloodied corpse of the animal in the grass and actually staggered backward, clutching at one another.

“Watch it!” Ryan warned, wondering what kind of danger the reaction might mean.

But the natives didn’t seem to have any thought of attacking the seven strangers. They stood there, slack jawed, repeating a word that sounded to Ryan like blanco . He knew enough Mex talk to know that the word meant white, and he assumed it had to be some sort of reference to the teenager.

Though you didn’t call it body language in Deathlands, it was an important part of survival to be able to read the way a man stood and acted.

It was obvious to Ryan that the trio of locals were torn between fear and aggression and something else that he couldn’t identify, something like an unusual kind of respect mingled with understandable suspicion against outlanders who had suddenly appeared in their hunting grounds.

“We don’t intend trouble,” he called, holding up his empty left hand in the universal sign of peace, while making sure that the 9 mm automatic kept the trio covered.

The three men exchanged glances, whispering intently to one another.

Then, without a breath of warning, they turned tail and ran toward the wide track.

“Don’t shoot,” Ryan snapped. “Let them be.”

In eight beats of the heart, the olive-skinned natives had vanished into the jungle that lined the trail.

“Well, they didn’t seem too impressed with meeting the bold explorers,” Doc said. “From the appearance of them I would have said that John Barrymore was roughly correct. They had the physiognomy of natives from Central or South America. Perhaps from the basin of the Amazon, or the Mato Grosso.”

“Blasters were interesting,” J.B. said, looking at Ryan. “You recognize them?”

“Rifle looked like a Mauser. Didn’t know what the handblaster was. You pick them?”

The Armorer nodded. “That’s what’s interesting. Spanish and Portuguese used to be active in these parts, didn’t they? Doc, you know about”

Mildred interrupted him, coughing to attract attention. “I know Doc is the source of all information from aardvarks to memorable zeugmas, but could I just mention that I’m the one in the party who minored in American Indian sociological groupings. You could try asking me, John.”

“Sorry.” He patted her arm. “Was I right about the influence of the Spanish and the Portuguese?”

She smiled at him. “Course you were, love. Incidentally, did anyone else notice that the guy without the shirt or pants was tattooed?”

“Me,” Jak said. “In thick ridges, like snakes.”

“Right. Coils and also hundreds of dots around his thighs. Made him look like he was wearing Lycra cycling shorts. Not that any of you would know what Lycra cycling shorts are. Where was I?”

“Conquistadors,” Doc prompted.

“Right. Most of the continent was overrun by European explorers. Most came from Spain or Portugal. Had a very strong influence right up to skydark.”

J.B. nodded. “Unusual weapons. Only seen either of them in armaments books from predark. Good guess on the Mauser. Bolt-action rifle, 6.5 caliber. Mauser-Vergueiro. The M-1904 model. Odd gun. like to have a look at one. The bolt handle is set in front of the receiver bridge.”

“More like a Mannlicher?” Ryan asked.

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