James Axler – Deathlands

“Mebbe we’ll learn something. Overhear a word on how he is. Possible.”

“Only happens in some of the predark vids with all those steroid-inflated heroes,” J.B. said mockingly. “Just have to wait here and watch.”

“Wish I knew how Jak was,” Krysty repeated.

THE TASTE WAS SO BITTER that he gagged on it, but the hands were ruthless, gripping both sides of his head like an engineer’s vise. Fingers probed at the angle of his jaws, so painful that Jak was forced to open his mouth. Someone else pinched his nose to make sure that he had to swallow or choke.

The bitterness had sweetness to it, lying back on his palate like an afterthought.

And it was hot.

Jak drank and drank until he thought he’d throw up. Just when he couldn’t take any more, the cup passed from him and the powerful hands relaxed.

“Be all right,” someone said.

J.B. CRAWLED next to Ryan. “Going up to take a look at the top of that pyramid thing,” he said.


“Just a bit of an idea. We’ve only seen it from the side. I want to know what’s around the back. Whether it’s possible to reach the top without being seen.”

“Make sure nobody spots you.”

The Armorer grinned. “Sure thing. Just an idea, Ryan. Be back soon.”

JAK OPENED HIS EYES, blinking at the brightness of sunshine dazzling through the curtain of glass beads across the front door to the hut.

A black-clad priest sat on the floor by the side of his bed, a frightening figure with a skull mask dotted with shards of broken mirror and obsidian. As soon as Jak began to awaken, the man stood and walked quickly outside, calling in a loud voice to others.

While he lay alone, waiting, Jak took stock of how he felt. Throat and stomach were sore, as though he’d been very sick. The muscles across his abdomen, chest and shoulders were all tender. But he was alive.

“Better than blood,” he said experimentally. It didn’t sound so bad.

The curtain of beads whispered and Itzcoatl walked in, his feathered green gown sweeping over the floor. He had taken off his mask, and he smiled at the youth.

“You are well again.”

“Better than I was. You poisoned me.”

“I am sorry, god. It was the only way to keep you safe and to persuade your companions that they should be leaving.”

“They’ve gone?”



“Of course.”

“What happens now?”

“Warriors will keep you safe until it is time for you to offer your greatest gift to the people.”

Jak didn’t like the sound of that, but he let it pass. “When will it be?”

“At sunset. Be a neat time. Until then, ask for whatever you want.”

“I want to go.”

Itzcoatl shook his head, still beaming at the albino. “No, lord. But any food or drink or the company of girls. All you do is ask.”

J.B. WAS GONE FOR MORE than an hour.

The sun rose higher, and the forest around them came to morning life.

Dean woke up, complaining he was thirsty. Ryan told him to pick his way back through the undergrowth for about a quarter mile, where they’d crossed a narrow stream, making sure, at all costs, that nobody spotted him.

Doc had also awakened, and he looked around, blinking owlishly. “Stands the church clock at ten to three and is there something for tea?” He then promptly fell asleep again.

Mildred and Krysty also dropped off, exhausted by the long sleepless night.

Ryan stayed awake, watching for J.B.’s reappearance from his recce up the pyramid.

The Armorer eventually returned, sweating profusely. He’d left the scattergun behind in the bushes, carrying the Uzi machine pistol slung over his shoulder.

Dean had come back with water, and J.B. took three or four deep gulps, throwing his fedora on the grass.

“What did you find?” Ryan asked.

“You think they plan to sacrifice Jak, don’t you?” J.B. looked around to make sure none of the others could hear him.

Ryan nodded. “Nothing else makes sense. Itzcoatl almost let it slip out a few times and only just stopped himself in time. You think the same?”

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Categories: James Axler