James Axler – Gaia’s Demise

“Exactly what we agreed upon. Ten horses and supplies, blankets, food enough for a week. A tent if you have any.”

“We don’t.”

“Then some canvas will do, and we’ll make a tent.”

“And explosives,” J.B. added.

“Are you insane? ”

“We had a deal,” Ryan reminded harshly.

“And I will honor that,” Polk retorted. “But not at the expense of my people. Horses, tack, food, blankets and such, all you can carry. Shine and women, all you want. But not one live round and no explosives of any kind. I won’t have you strip this ville defenseless. Understood?”

“Black powder,” Doc added. “One pound.”

The man chewed his cheek for a while in thought. “Who says we got any?”

Doc glared. “I heard the earlier conversation as we entered, and I have seen your cannon, sir. It is a fully functioning weapon.”

“That it is,” Polk said with pride. “Half a pound, no more.”


“Done,” Ryan said.

Polk turned his attention to the others in the throne room. “Captain Lane, I believe we now have nothing further to discuss. So I shall expect the quota of fish delivered to my ville to be doubled by the next moon. Anything less will be considered theft from me and dealt with harshly.”

“Of course, Baron,” the man managed to say without stuttering.

As the fishermen took their leave, Polk turned to a waiting steward. “Get a carpenter and nail this on the wall behind my throne,” he directed him. “Let everybody see that ole Frank is dead.”

“At once, Baron,” the liveried man said with a bow.

“Now, as for you outlanders,” Polk said genially. “Please stay for dinner. I wish to hear the details of the matter.”

Apprehensive, Ryan glanced at his friends. They seemed uneasy, too, but he couldn’t think of a polite way to refuse.

“Certainly, Baron,” he said. “Our pleasure. But we do need to leave first thing in the morning.”

“Why the rush? Stay awhile. I have a great need for people with your talents.”

“Sorry, but we have to find some friends,” Ryan said evenly.

Polk nodded. “And chill them. Yes, I can see it in your faces. Fair enough. You did your part, and I will do mine.”

THE COMPANIONS CHECKED the horses and supplies as they were delivered to the courtyard of the ville, and everything was in fine shape. Dinner proved to be sixteen different things done to fish, and a roasted opossum. The companions ate the food, but Jak was in heaven. He stuffed himself with four portions and had to loosen his belt when they finally left the table for cigars and brandy. Around midnight, Polk took his leave, and the companions were left to their own devices. Doc, Jak and Dean excused themselves, while the rest took advantage of the baron’s liquor cabinet. The brandy was merely winter wine, but strong flavored with plenty of kick.

“Too bad Clem decided to stay at Front Royal,” Mildred said, sipping her drink. “We could have used him fighting that damn mutie. The man is a hell of a shot.”

“He wasn’t so hot,” J.B. muttered. “Just an unwashed mountain man. Completely useless.”

Ryan and Krysty remained neutral to the conversation, sensing a personal matter going on.

Wiggling closer, Mildred pressed a warm hip against the man. “I know that Clem liked me,” she said, “but there’s my medical condition to consider.”

Glasses in hand, J.B. stared at her in total confusion.

Mildred took his hand. “I have a very small heart, and there’s only room for one man there.”

Speechless, J.B. squeezed her hand with all of his strength. If it hurt, she said nothing. Releasing her, J.B. rose and strode out of the room. Mildred sighed and sipped at her drink again.

“Damn men and their idiot pride,” Krysty said, sloshing her drink as she gestured. “You better go have your way with him right now.”

“That was my plan,” Mildred said with a smile, placing aside her unfinished brandy. “See you in the morning.”

“Remember how shy I was when we first met?” Ryan said with a grin as the woman strode from the room.

Krysty stared at the man over the rim of her glass. “You damn near forced me on the spot. I barely was able to seduce you in time.”

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Categories: James Axler