James Axler – Gaia’s Demise

“Sir?” the sec man asked nervously.

Wincing as he stood, Silas walked to a wall map, favoring his leg. When Tanner stabbed him with that trick sword, he had to have severed a nerve. The wound was healed, the muscles strong, yet Silas still limped like the old man he appeared to be. Just another debt to be paid.

“Overton was sent to seize control of Front Royal, to turn it against the other villes in the area in a civil war. When they were weak, we would move in and forge the three largest into one huge city, the capital of New America. My America!”

“But Overton failed,” the major stated, “because of Ryan and the others.”

“Yes,” Silas hissed, thumping his cane onto the floor. “So I am going to remove those three villes in case they decide to join forces against us. Look at this.”

The sec chief walked closer as Silas drew some freehand curves on the map with a black marker. “Bull Run is the farthest east, thus the easiest to target. Next is Casanova and finally Front Royal. I can only use the Kite once every twenty-four hours, so it will take three days before Front Royal will be reduced to ashes.”

“And I need targets to fire at.” Silas lovingly stroked the map, smearing the lines. “Each time will give me greater control of the Kite, each use allowing me more access to its computers. In three days, I will crack the final codes and have total command over the orbiting power station.”

“And what does the dish have to do with this?” the major asked curiously.

“That is what I need to punch a radio signal through the static and interference of the overhead storms and reach the Kite. How soon will the repairs be completed?”

“Two days, three at the most.”

Silas smiled. “Ah, then in four days, we become the new rulers of America, and the great cleansing of humanity can finally begin. Thousands of the impure will die. No more muties! Isn’t that glorious?”

“Oh, yes,” the major agreed, feeling the two hearts in his chest pound with anger. “What a wonderful day that will be for our people.”

AS THE GREENIES DRAGGED the humans back toward the arena, two loud reports split the night and the muties tumbled to the sidewalk with most of their heads removed. Holstering the blaster, Jak hurried around the curved building and inspected the sprawled man and woman.

“Ryan,” the teenager said softly, shaking him by the shoulder. “What happened?”

The warrior struggled into consciousness. “Wags,” Ryan hoarsely whispered. “Dozens of wags…”

“Inside arena?” Jak asked eagerly.

“Don’t go! Plant fumes…” Ryan collapsed.

Standing, Jak glanced the entrance to the arena and sniffed. He didn’t smell anything but some flowers. What fumes? From the condition of Ryan’s and Krysty’s clothes it looked as if they were caught in the middle of hot sex, but while on a recce in hostile land? That didn’t make sense.

Adjusting what clothing they were still wearing to cover as much as possible, Jak again looked at the arena and made a decision. Raising the Colt Python, he loudly fired twice, then three times and once more. He quickly reloaded and waited for the rest of his friends.

Minutes later, a long whistle cut the air. Cocking back the hammer of his .357 magnum pistol, Jak replied with two short whistles and the rest of the companions came charging into view.

“We were going to the insurance company and heard the shots,” J.B. said, easing the tension on the trigger of the Uzi. Then he spotted the nearly naked couple. “What the hell happened here?”

“Ryan hauled out,” the teenager said, glaring at the dark hallway of the building. “Muties tried drag back in.”

“Indeed,” Doc rambled, removing his frock coat and draped it over Krysty. “And what happened to their clothes?”

“Don’t know,” Jak answered, scratching his head. “Said wags inside. Also plant fumes.”

“Fumes?” Mildred carefully walked closer to the doorway and sniffed. Instantly, she felt her heart beat fast and a sudden rush of warmth between her legs. The physician backed away quickly and gulped in the clean desert air.

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