James Axler – Gaia’s Demise

Revving engines sounded again, and a Hummer rolled from the building, easily passing through the wide entrance. At the steering wheel, J.B. bounced the wag down the front steps and parked on the sidewalk. Jak stood in the rear, his hands gripping an M-60 machine gun that rested on the gimbal of a short steel post, a long belt of ammo hanging from the breech.

“Replacement for the horses,” J.B. said with pride, turning off the engine. “It’s in great shape with a full tank of juice. We got our backpacks again, plus a ton of ammo, six Kalashnikovs, the 7.62 mm machine gun, half a case of grens and two LAWs. No food, but we’re armed for war.”

“Better,” Jak said, resting an arm on the M-60. “We know location.”

Ryan came closer. “You found a map.”

A nod. “Couple of blue shirts are staring at the dirt inside. They must have stopped here on a recce, just like us.”

“Indeed,” Doc stated. “So where are they located?”

“Tennessee.” J.B. grinned widely, holding out a folded piece of plastic. “Big red circle around Shiloh battlefield.”


“Idiots,” Krysty snorted.

Accepting the map, Ryan studied it closely. “So they’re right next to the redoubt. About a hundred miles away.”

“Less than a day in a Hummer,” Dean added, climbing into the rear of the vehicle and finding his backpack. Undoing the straps, he stuffed his pockets with spare rounds for his blaster, and stuffed a chunk of smoked fish whole into his mouth, chewing contentedly.

“It would be a day’s journey if we travel straight there,” Ryan agreed, rubbing his cheek. Then the man hawked and spit to clear his throat. There was still a faint taste of the perfume in his mouth. Damn stuff was like glue. “But we’re not going to travel directly to their base. The blues are smart. There might be more land mines and traps on the roads. How’s the fuel?”

“Tanks are full of condensed fuel. That’ll last us over a thousand miles. Plus, we have a can of regular juice.”

“Even better. So we take two days, mebbe three at the most.” Ryan spread the map on the hood of the Hummer and the others gathered around. “We’ll do an end run and head straight for this valley west of Shiloh. If they’re expecting us, they’ll be watching the north, east and south, but why waste sec men guarding their backs?”

“Sounds good,” J.B. said, starting the engine. “Climb aboard and let’s smoke this ville.”

“I just hope Overton didn’t have a real army,” Mildred said, taking a seat in the rear. “You know, thousands of men, tanks, planes. Sounds crazy, but he did have brand-new AK-47s, unlimited ammo, Hummers, radios. Who knows what else?”

Spotting his Steyr on the floor, Ryan took the passenger seat next to the driver. “We’ll recce them from a distance, soft and low,” he said, checking over the blaster. He had no recollection of losing it inside the arena, which only showed how far gone he had been. Hit his woman and dropped his weapon. Fireblast, he had to have been totally out of his mind.

“You sure that flower is aced?” Ryan asked grimly, settling the longblaster into the crook of his arm.

“It’s triple chilled,” J.B. stated confidently. “Shriveled like bacon in a pan.”

“Has there been any problems with the greenies?” Krysty asked. “I wonder why they haven’t attacked yet.”

“Killed god,” Jak said, patting the vented barrel of the long M-60 blaster. “Scare most folks.”

“Wished I could have seen it,” Dean stated, loading another clip and tucking it away in his jacket.

“Too dangerous,” Mildred countered, setting her med kit on the floor between her boots. “You’re too young. The perfume might have driven you permanently insane.”

Then she hid a smile and added, “And Doc is too damn old.”

“Indeed, madam,” Doc rumbled in his deep stentorian voice. “Perhaps you are unaware that some men are milk, while others are whiskey. Some sour and turn bitter with age, while the years make others stronger.”

“What a load of crap,” she snorted, grinning in spite of herself. “Crazy old coot.”

“Ah, but that is my story and I am sticking to it.”

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