James Axler – Gemini Rising

Resting his back against the rough bark of the pine tree, Daniel smiled in remembrance. This had been a very good day. Stopping at a ville to rest his feet, the healer offered his services to help deliver a breech baby. The father hadn’t been able to offer anything in barter, but his shapely daughter had, and after the child was wrapped in an old Army blanket and suckling on its mother’s breast, Daniel joined the daughter behind the woodpile and did something similar for a while. Then it was her turn.

Daniel finally left the farm feeling tired, but in high spirits. Then, wonders of wonders, he had came across a man alongside the road trying to bandage a busted leg. The white splinter of bone from the compound fracture jutted from the torn skin of his leg. After confirming the wounded man was alone, he slit the fellow’s throat and acquired a fine pair of walking shoes and some ammo for his blaster. Everything else was junk, so he threw it and the corpse into a swampy bog to hide the deed. Mountain folks often had kin, and some of these uncivilized hill men took the idea of revenge very seriously. Even on a healer.

A stick cracked in the darkness outside the clearing, and Lissman drew the blaster in a smooth motion. The .38 Ruger Police Special was small but powerful, and in his capable hands more deadly than an autoblaster. Rising slowly, he tried to hear over the noise of the fire. As a standard precaution, Daniel had dragged wild rosebushes into a circle around the clearing. The sharp thorns held off most animals and muties that might attack in the night. Only norms would pass through the briars.

Blaster balanced in his grip, the healer dragged his backpack closer and eased out a sawed-off, double-barrel shotgun. Loaded with homemade black-powder charges and packed with gravel and rock salt, the crude blaster would kill only at very short range. But the salt would blind an opponent, giving Daniel the chance to operate again. Few lived who felt the angry touch of his cold little knives.

Another stick cracked, closer this time.

“I know you’re out there,” he said, a blaster in each hand. The heavy weight of the weapons made him feel confident. “Show yourself, or I start blasting randomly. On the count of five. Fourthree”

“No, please,” a voice gasped, and a large man stumbled into view, holding a bloody rag to his neck.

“Come into the light,” Daniel ordered, relaxing neither his stance nor pressure on the triggers.

“I sawthe fire,” the handsome male wheezed. “Fellbear trap”

“Does look bad,” agreed Lissman, lowering the blaster. “Is the blood spurting out, or flowing?”

The newcomer coughed raggedly.

“Now, now, fellow. Don’t try to answer,” he said in a soothing voice. “I’m a healer, and can fix you as good as new. Got some clean rags and a sewing kit here in my bag.” He kicked the canvas satchel on the ground.

“Thank you,” the man squeaked, weaving a bit as if ready to collapse.

Holstering his handblaster, Lissman walked over and pulled on a piece of rope attached to the thorny brambles, dragging a large rosebush out of the way. The wounded man stumbled into the clearing, and Daniel used the shotgun to shove the bush back into position.

“That is, fix you for a price,” the healer continued, bolstering the blaster. “Got any jack?”

“No.” He barely spoke in a whisper. “Spare ammo?”

The stranger shook his head.

Slightly annoyed, Daniel sat down and placed the primed shotgun across his lap. The stranger was too big for Daniel to use his clothes, and he owned good walking boots now.

“So how will you pay?” Daniel asked bluntly, tossing another log onto the fire for more light. “Got any food? Booze? I can use jolt or Dreem, but no wolf weed. I have no use for that shit.”

The man staggered and leaned against a tree. “Nothing,” he panted. “But strongtravel with youbad country ahead”

The healer burst into laughter. “Are you proposing that I fix your throat, then haul your sorry ass along with me to the next ville for free? Am I supposed to feed you, too? Go away and die. I hve no time for idiots.”

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Categories: James Axler