James Axler – Hellbenders

Ryan hoped that the chem storm would abate, so that the convoy rendezvous could go ahead, and so that the attack could likewise proceed. At least they could cover their own backs out in the field, with a wag of their own, no matter what may happen to Correll and the Hellbenders.

But having to fight their way out of a three-cornered fight wasn’t the best way to end this encounter. And still the CD-ROM they had in their possession needed to be decoded. From what Dean had described, the stash of old tech that Baron Al Jourgensen was holding could actually contain the key to unlocking the CD, and perhaps tell them all they wanted to know.

Ryan had a bad feeling in his gut. So many things to juggle, so many variables to go wrong. And at the head of it all, a man who was becoming, more and more, completely unstable and unpredictable.

So it was that, when Travis poked his head around the door of their berth a few hours later and briefly informed them that the hour had come to rise and prepare, Ryan had managed little rest and was in the middle of a shallow, dream-filled sleep where Correll had turned into a stickie whose sucking fingers were ripping at his heart, trying to tear it from his body.

When the rest of the companions had risen, and Ryan was on his feet, his eye looking sunken and red, Mildred took one look at him and nodded.

“You too, eh? Can’t say I was able to get much rest thinking about Papa Joe’s team talk coming up. I’d be much happier if we could play this our own way.”

Mildred was aware that Ryan had discussed with Correll the manner in which the attack could be mounted, and the tactics that could be used. She was also aware that, although ostensibly taking notice of the one-eyed man, Correll was liable to dismiss them all for his own, tunnel vision aims.

Even more so when Ryan told them of the chem storm.

J.B. shook his head, pushing his spectacles onto the bridge of his nose. “It would have to stop right now for us to get out there—and there’ll still be enough rad interference in the atmosphere to make radio communication impossible right now. If it’s over, we’ll have to assume they’re going ahead.”

Ryan agreed. “That’s how I see it, but how’s Correll going to read it?”

“I think we’ll go,” Krysty said. Her hair was waving slightly, as though caressed by a breeze despite the fact that the redoubt’s air conditioning didn’t disturb the air in such a fashion. The movement could only mean that her mutie sense was telling her that there was a dangerous situation ahead. “I can’t see Correll stopping now. Not after waiting so long. This is the culmination of all his dreams. He’s not going to throw this away unless it’s totally impassable out there.”

It was a view with which the rest of the companions could only concur. So when Travis reappeared to summon them to eat, they left their berth in silence, anticipating what could lie ahead.

The entire community was gathered in the large room that served both for the feeding of their minds and bellies. The latter was the case at the moment, as the forces of the Hellbenders ate heartily, readying themselves for the confrontation that lay ahead. Certainly, they were acting as though the chem storm had abated.

Correll was in his usual position, flanked by Jenny, the redoubt armorer, and Lonnie, who seemed to have established himself as second in command. On seeing the companions enter, he beckoned to Ryan and J.B. to join him. As the leader of his group, Ryan was an obvious choice, and J.B. was picked because of his ability with weapons. Indeed, while the others had been engaged either in training or in the recce mission, J.B. had forged a good working relationship with the Native American woman who now acknowledged him with a smile. Despite her initial misgivings and hostility, she was now sure that J.B. was invaluable. He had helped her to maintain and repair some of the weapons that had been damaged during training, and had also given her invaluable advice about the best times to use concussion and shrapnel grens in enclosed environments. She had learned from him, and as a result her respect for the man had grown.

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