James Axler – Rat King

Deathlands could survive without any kind of shooting skills. Blasters were

second nature to the postskydark generations.

Nonetheless, the dwellers of this pesthole that didn’t even have a name—”what do

we want names for, friend? We know where we are,” Abner told them— had few

blasters, and they were in poor condition. Most of them relied on explosive

power rather than accuracy, and it was dispiriting for a crack shot like Mildred

to have to train such an inept group of fighters.

So she was glad when J.B. hobbled into the fray to offer his services. The

Armorer still couldn’t get around at great speed, but the ankle was healing as

he was resting it. Ironically the time of his fever and semicoma had been

beneficial to his damaged ankle, allowing the initial sprain time to mend. The

reticent Armorer had once again muttered an oath and little more when Dean had

shown him the tumbledown shack that passed for an armory. His response to taking

a look inside had been to moan gently and to shake his head sadly.

There wasn’t much J.B. could do to assist them. Most of the time he was under

orders to do little except sit all day. However, having cursed the way in which

the ville dwellers looked after their blasters, J.B. decided that the best thing

for him to do would be to try to lick the armory—such as it was—into shape.

A small group of women and children gathered around J.B. as he sat on an

upturned box, stripping the blasters and polishing them, greasing them as best

as he could and putting them back together. Along the way he found that some of

the blasters were entirely homemade, while others were comprised of separate

parts that had been forced and welded together to make a complete blaster. Why

these hadn’t exploded in the faces of those who fired them was a complete

mystery to him.

J.B. cleaned the weapons and explained to his audience why it was important to

keep the blasters clean and oiled. He tried to explain to them the concept of

different calibrations on weapons, the differences in ammo and their respective

firepower. His eyes shone behind his glasses, and he didn’t notice that some of

the women and children looked at him blankly, not understanding him.

It didn’t matter. He told them all that he could, hoping that enough would

penetrate to keep the blasters in good working order for the final


While he did that, Jak and Dean took turns to coach people in unarmed combat;

Krysty and Mildred tried to improve the shooting of the ville dwellers. As all

this was going on, Ryan was far from idle.

The one-eyed warrior had been thinking and planning. He could see that his

forces, even swollen by the ranks of the ville dwellers, would be no match for

Murphy’s men once they were inside the redoubt. Outside they had matched the

well-equipped sec men by virtue of their being adapted to the conditions. Inside

they could hit big trouble.

Ryan spent most of his time with Abner, learning all that the old man knew of

the redoubt forces, all that he knew of the surrounding terrain. They called in

Mac, who had been in more expeditionary raids on the territory than any other

sec man in the ville. Ryan picked their brains, put forward his plans, making

sure that Abner and Mac thought that they had come up with half the ideas


Finally the baron called together his people in the rough ground they called the

center of the ville. He outlined the plan he and Mac had come up with to help

the outlanders. Krysty, knowing Ryan, smiled to herself as Abner claimed Ryan’s

best strategies as his own. It didn’t matter, as long as they got the result

they wanted.

Ryan listened to Abner and looked at the ville dwellers. They were muties,

inbred, and not used to hard, hand-to-hand fighting. He felt a twinge of

conscience, briefly. Did they realize what they were getting into?

It would be difficult, hard and bloody. That much Ryan knew. But it was

necessary, for their long-term survival as much as that of Ryan and his people.

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