James Axler – Rat King

the trade in body parts that had centered around old military installations, it

was not a thought on which to dwell.

“Stupes may not be so stupe after all,” Ryan murmured. “The only thing we can do

is keep moving to the armory, then be on triple red for an ambush. Seems to be

the only place it can happen.”

They advanced in line, still keeping alert. In all their travels they had yet to

come across a redoubt where the vanadium-steel sec doors could be closed in any

other way than by punching in the code on the wall-mounted panels. It seemed

unlikely, then, that they could be trapped by their enemies sealing off a

section of corridor by remote triggering of the doors. Then again, they’d never

jumped into a redoubt that had a population that was actually maintaining it, or

seemed to have any idea how the old comp systems worked.

All the corridors were deserted. The only signs of life were the detritus of

people moving out in a hurry: a clipboard and pen that lay on the floor; another

mop and bucket similar to the one belonging to the chilled maintenance man; a

frayed and worn service cap, with a threadbare insignia.

It seemed obvious that whoever commanded the redoubt had pulled out all

personnel to some secure place without sounding an alarm. That indicated a

strong sense of discipline among that personnel.

By the time they reached the location of the armory, all of them were feeling

strung out. The complete silence was unnerving. In other redoubts it had been

normal, but here—where they knew the redoubt was still a base of some kind—the

silence was eerie.

The sec door to the armory was raised. From their oblique approach angle, Ryan

could see into the room. It appeared unoccupied, the ranks and boxes of

blasters, grens and ammunition undisturbed by human presence.

There was, however, still half of the armory that was hidden from view by the


“Too quiet,” Jak mouthed into Ryan’s ear. “Too empty. Want us there.”

Every instinct told Ryan that Jak was correct. The armory, too, was deserted.

Dean stated what they were all thinking. “If it is empty, that’s ’cause they

want us in there. Once we’re in there, we’re trapped.”

All it would take would be the release of the sec door to the armory, and all

seven of them would be trapped inside. They’d have all the weapons in the

redoubt, but it wouldn’t do them any good against being starved to death, or

gassed by a nerve gren or by some kind of nerve-gas supply fed into the air

circulation. From bitter experience they all knew that no gren or plas-ex could

penetrate the vanadium steel—always assuming that they could have survived the

impact blast from inside the armory. Or that it wouldn’t trigger off every other

gren, shell, cartridge or piece of plas-ex in there.

“Simple solution,” J.B. told them. “Half of us stay here on watch. At least that

way some of us will stay on the outside.”

“Mebbe,” Ryan answered. “But mebbe that just leaves us trapped in different ways

and our forces halved. Better we stay together right now.”

“But for what?” Krysty asked with a shiver. “We’ve come up against some real

evil, but this is triple weird. This is just so…so innocent somehow. There’s no

sense of pleasure in chilling going on here.”

As she spoke, they became aware of the rumble of heavy wheels on the concrete

floor, and the high whine of an electric engine.

“Krysty, there’s nothing innocent about that baby,” Mildred husked in an awed

voice as a bizarre wag turned the far corner of the corridor.

IN THE WEAPONS-DEVELOPMENT lab, Gen Wallace perched his enormous bulk on the

groaning stool, its wheels squeaking in protest as he rocked the stool back and

forth. His fingers hovered nervously over the keyboard, using the keys to guide

the remote wag. It hadn’t been used for several generations, and it was only

thanks to the continued diligence of the weapons-development team that the wag

still worked. They hadn’t actually developed any weapons for five generations,

but the blueprints left by their ancestors were used to assiduously strip and

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