James Axler – Rat King

as Ryan tried to move on the seat and ease the pain that was starting to spread

into his groin.

Ryan breathed deeply, using his iron will to control the pain. The scar that ran

under the eye patch, from the empty socket and down his cheek to his jaw, was

white and puckered, the flesh drained of blood as he gritted his teeth. He was

storing up the resentment. If he ever got the chance, he’d finish Murphy. But

he’d rather get out. One of the things the Trader taught him was the uselessness

of bearing grudges. Concentrate too hard on that, and you wouldn’t notice the

enemy creeping up behind you.

Murphy watched Ryan through slitted eyes, trying to work out how far he could

go. The one-eyed man was sitting beneath the only light in the room, directly

above him. Murphy stood half in a pool of shadow. Behind him, obscured from

Ryan’s view, was an armed soldier. Murphy could watch his prisoner’s reactions

with clarity, but Ryan could see little beyond the pool of light in which he


“You won’t get anything from me,” Ryan muttered, spitting blood from his torn


Murphy nodded. “You’re a big man. You’ve proved to me how hard you are. Now

let’s get real. That kid, he looks like you, One-eye.”

Ryan looked up. Slowly, trying to mask his concern.

It didn’t work. Murphy grinned at him slyly. “Yeah, figured so. Your sprog,

right? How’d you like him to be tied to the chair? I figure he’s only…what,

twelve? Thirteen? Maybe his balls ain’t dropped yet. It’d be interesting to find


Ryan winced. In his mind he tried to weigh up the options. What would it lose

them at this stage if he told this scum who he was? The redoubt seemed inbred

and isolated, so the chances of them hearing about him were low.

A chance he would take to save Dean the pain.

“Fireblast, you win this round, fucker. What do you want to know?”

“Who you are. Why you’re here. How come you can use the mat-trans. And the old

guy is…”

Ryan’s brow furrowed. Why were they so interested in Doc?

“LOOK LIKE SHIT,” Jak said quietly.

“Feel like it, too,” Ryan replied, stretching out on the bed, his legs apart to

ease the pain that throbbed into his groin. The act of speaking opened up one of

the cuts in the corner of his mouth.

Krysty took a pillowcase from one of the beds and wet it under the faucet before

using a corner of it to dab gently at the edges of Ryan’s mouth.

J.B. looked up at the sec camera over the door. They were all back in the room

in which they had originally been confined. He pushed his fedora back on his

head and scratched idly along his hairline, frowning.

“Got an idea, John?” Mildred asked quietly. She had been the most subdued since

they had all awakened on the beds, and had so far kept quiet about her dreamlike

experiences. The others had shared some details in order to try to work out what

had happened to them.

J.B. shook his head. “No, I was just wondering what exactly it is they want from


“Guess find out soon,” Jak commented, indicating Ryan with a curt nod of the

head. “What they do with Krysty and Mildred?” he added.

“I’m sure they’ll have thought of something,” Mildred said bitterly.

Ryan raised himself on one elbow and told them exactly what had happened to him.

When he had finished, Doc rose to his feet. He made as though to strike a

lecturing pose, leaning on his cane, until he remembered that Murphy’s men, once

bitten, had taken it away from him.

Doc cleared his throat. “Their behavior is most perplexing. I think we can agree

that our experiences while unconscious were an attempt to in some way play with

our most primal fears, possibly with the notion of reducing our resistance.”

Krysty nodded. “For some reason, it didn’t affect Jak and myself in the same way

as it did the rest of you. Perhaps there’s some kind of mutated gene running in

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