James Axler – Rat King

said it that made a lizard crawl slowly and coldly down his spine.

The Gen looked down at the report, then picked up a sheaf of paper.

“There are things about our lives here that only I am aware of, Doctor. We are

the only true Americans left, you know—”

“I can think of some native tribes—remnants of whom survive—who would argue that

point,” Doc interrupted. Then he added with a gracious gesture, “But I am

interrupting you. Pray continue.”

Wallace suppressed his anger and forced a smile before continuing. “In this base

we have managed to keep the traditions of the U.S. Army flying high like the

Stars and Stripes. We have maintained the American way against the scum

outsiders. We were entrusted by our forefathers to keep the research pure, and

to maintain the mechanism that this base was created for. Thanks to the great

plan, we still have access to many pre-sky-dark records.”

“I am surprised that you use such terms, as cut off as you are,” Doc


“We sometimes have contact with some outsider scum in an attempt to keep our

gene pool healthy, and thus we have a tendency to pick up some of their slack

speech habits. It’s regrettable, but inevitable. And please refrain from

interrupting me,” Wallace added with a warning glare that shot an electric jolt

down Doc’s spine. There was barely disguised psychosis behind the man’s gaze.

“My apologies,” Doc muttered.

“Very well. As I was about to say, we have records of before the great war

between the Reds and the democrats. It is unfortunate that, as time progresses,

we find ourselves moving further and further away from the technology of the

preskydark era. The good book says recycle, but sometimes there aren’t things to

recycle with. We improvise, but that is all.”

Doc wondered idly if there was a point to all of this. Then Wallace’s words

brought him up short.

“Some of the old comps still work, however, and through them we can access the

records of the Totality Concept as a whole, and not just our own role as weapons

R&D. And so it was of some interest to me to find out that you were Dr.

Theophilus Tanner. The name seemed to me to be familiar. My father, the Gen

before me, had an old family tale about my ancestor who was involved with

another branch of Totality, a thing called Operation Chronos. Is that familiar,


Doc reasoned that it was pointless to lie or bluff. “Of course it is,” he said

as calmly as he could, but already the memories were beginning to flood back,

the horror and pain dragging him to the brink of insanity. “You know about the

madness that lay at the root of it, the way in which I was dragged away from my

beloved Emily and my children and how I was flung forward into the chaos and

evil that stalks the Deathlands.”

Wallace studied the papers in front of him in an offhanded manner, seeming not

to notice the hysterical pitch creeping into Doc’s voice.

“As a matter of fact, the last reference to you just states that you were

projected into the future.” He looked at Doc curiously over the top of the

paper. “Did you know that you were the only success? Quite remarkable.”

“There are other words for it.”

“I’m not really interested in your opinions. Only your survival. It just so

happens that a vital component in one of our machines has broken down for the

last time. There are no repairs that can be made to it, so we need a replacement

part. You can be of some use to us.”

“I? How can I be of use?” Doc scoffed. “An old man out of time, prone to fits of

melancholy and madness? What do I know of machines?”

“Perhaps more than you know,” Wallace said softly. “As soon as you and your

companions arrived, I knew you would be of some use. Your great age brings the

necessary wisdom. The fact that you are who you are is an unexpected bonus. For

that reason you will live. If you agree to help, then your companions will also

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