James Axler – Rat King

streaked armaglass ended abruptly as the wall met a floor inlaid with the disks

that also peppered the ceiling.

He reached out for his weapons, feeling his hand brush the stock of the Steyr

SSG-70. Where that lay, his SIG-Sauer couldn’t be far away.

His hand touched warm flesh, and he felt fingers instinctively grasp at him.

Head still pounding, he turned his eye to focus on Krysty Wroth, her flaming red

hair coiled protectively to her head and neck. Her mutie heritage gave her hair

a sentience that acted as an early-warning system, coiling close to her head

when danger threatened. After a jump it usually took some time to flow freely,

but never before had he seen it this defensive.

It set off a triple-red warning in his brain, and he forced his disoriented

reflexes to respond. Forcing unwilling calf muscles to brace his legs as he got

to his feet, he looked around the chamber.

J.B. Dix, Ryan’s oldest friend and a fellow traveler since their days with the

Trader, was beginning to regain consciousness on the far side of the chamber.

His beloved and battered fedora was pulled down over his eyes, and his right

hand moved instinctively toward one of his capacious pockets to pull free his

glasses. Ryan could see that his breathing was steady, and that he was

recovering from the jump with his usual speed.

The Armorer’s other hand was held by Dr. Mildred Wyeth, a survivor of predark

days who had been cryogenically preserved before the big blow of 2001, then

thawed by Ryan in the postnuclear age of the Deathlands. The stocky black

woman’s hair hung in beaded plaits around her downturned head. She was beginning

to stir, raising her head and opening her eyes. Her Czech-made ZKR 551 revolver

lay in her lap, and before she was fully conscious her hand closed on it.

Dean, Ryan’s son, was still out. A thin trickle of blood ran from his nose to

his top lip. He grunted as the effects of the jump began to wear off and the

first nausea of consciousness returned.

“Dark night, my head’s thumping like mutie drums on a bad day.”

Ryan turned, dark spots still exploding in his vision at the speed of the

movement. “Thought it was just me.” Ryan winced at the pounding that was still

making his empty eye socket throb.

“Everybody.” Jak followed the statement with a wretch of bile that splashed onto

the floor of the gateway. The jumps usually made him vomit, and he spit out the

remains of the bile before rising to his feet, pulling on the patched camou

jacket that carried his hidden throwing knives and holstering his .357 Magnum

Colt Python blaster with a fluid grace.

“The bells, ah, the bells, Esmerelda. Ask not for whom they toll. The bells toll

for thee, my Emily…my Esmerelda…”

Doc’s eyes were open and staring, but they shared the same faraway quality as

his voice. The jumps always proved the hardest for Doc Tanner, whose white hair

hung in soaked strands around his face, streaked with perspiration and the blood

that flowed from his nose and trickled from the corner of his mouth. No one knew

how old Doc really was. Trawled from the 1890s into the immediate years

preceding skydark by the whitecoats of Operation Chronos, a part of the Totality

Concept, which had also furnished the redoubts with the mat-trans units, Dr.

Theophilus Tanner had proved to be a problem. Such a problem that the whitecoat

scientists had decided to use him for a further experiment, shooting him forward

in time—ironically only a short time before their own lives were ended by the

madness of skydark—and landing him in the maelstrom that was the Deathlands.

According to records the companions had come upon in the whitecoat hell of

Crater Lake, Doc had been in his early thirties when snatched. The stresses of

time trawling had made Doc physically resemble an old man, and his mind had a

similar fragility that sometimes tipped him over into temporary madness.

His speech was stopped by an urge to vomit, and he spewed the blood that had run

down his throat.

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