James Axler – Rat King

forefathers as they learned the hard art of defending the redoubt and the

mechanism. Despite the discomfort of the conditions, each man moved confidently

across the terrain, making much better time than any of the outsiders.

For his own part, Murphy was down on the floor of the enclave before Doc even

had a chance to move out. The conditions and sudden blasterfire had a bad effect

on Doc, taking his fragile psyche back to the psychological battering of the

trank darts and comp torture. As he shielded his eyes from the dust storm, he

felt as if he were back in the dark, wind-battered tunnel with Lori…or was it

his beloved Emily?

“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes…or does it,

indeed? Are you, perchance, the Snark my friend, or merely a Boojum?” Doc,

quietly chuckling to himself, asked the figure that gradually took shape in the


“Madman,” Murphy muttered dismissively, raising his Uzi to barrel whip the old

man into submission.

Like many another enemy, he had underestimated the seemingly old man. Despite

his apparent fragility—both of mind and body—Doc Tanner had reserves of

whip-cord strength that could, in an emergency, prove to be of use as a


Murphy brought the barrel around in a down-sweeping arc, aiming for Doc’s jaw.

As the old man brought his lion’s-head swordstick up to parry, the barrel of the

Uzi was deflected, hitting the edge of a rock and sending a painful jolt up

Murphy’s forearm until it hit his elbow. The weakened joint buckled, and Murphy

yelped in pain and surprise.

Doc rose to his feet, drawing the LeMat pistol and pointing it in Murphy’s


The sec chief stumbled as he tried to regain his balance and level the Uzi. It

was only blind fortune that saved him. A bit of grit from the floor of the

enclave caught in a crosswind and whirled viciously between the two men,

catching Doc in the eyes. It disturbed his aim enough for the loud and

resounding explosion of the shot to discharge harmlessly over Murphy’s head as

the sec chief regained his poise. He crouched, coming under Doc’s outstretched

arm with the stock of the Uzi turned toward the old man, angled upward as he

drove forward.

The stock caught Doc under the ribs, driving the air from his lungs and jarring

his heart. Doc’s eyes widened, his mouth grotesquely distorted as he exhaled

every breath of oxygen within him. The only thought he could muster was to try

to start breathing again as he hit the rocks and the dry earth in a sitting

position. He dropped the LeMat and swordstick, his arms clutching at his aching


Murphy pressed home his advantage, bringing the barrel around to crack Doc’s

jaw. A light went out in the old man’s eyes as he slumped into unconsciousness.

Shouldering his Uzi, sticking the LeMat into the waistband of his camou pants

and stowing the sword-stick in his belt, Murphy leaned over and picked up the

old man with a strength that made Doc’s deadweight seem like a feather.

He was paying little attention to the fighting that was sporadically breaking

out at the head of the valley, and so didn’t notice the white wraith that

drifted toward him…

JAK WALKED PAST the sec men as though they weren’t there. Their attention was

focused on attaining the head of the enclave. As a result they weren’t expecting

anyone to go through their ranks in the opposite direction, heading back to the


Jak had spent his whole life hunting or being hunted, and so found it simple to

take the scattered rocks and the opaque storm as cover, flitting across the

ground and blending with the rocks and hummocks along the way.

The gathering of sec men at the head of the valley, and their attempt to stop

the group attaining open ground beyond, wasn’t his problem. Like the rest of the

companions, Jak trusted the abilities of the others implicitly, and knew that

they would either overcome the obstacles or perish in the effort. Life was that


His task now was simply to find Doc and try to get him back to the others.

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